The strings of the heart

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The teacher cut off our staring moment and I had to peel my gaze from the guy to look at the teacher and pretend that I'm following.. although , this mind reading thing is new to me and it's uncomfortable to focus ... i took a huge breath trying to calm myself, my uncle taught me how to suppress a gift I caught but it needs more training.. and before i know it., the bell rang making me jump a little ' ugh too loud!'  The look that Edward gave me could only be explained that he catches that thought in my mind .
I made sure to imagine the barrier that protect my thoughts from him again and it obviously worked judging by the annoyance and frustration on Edward's face. It swiftly became a funny thing to make him confused and curious, bet he didn't experience that for a long time... the feeling of not knowing what to expect, what a person is thinking and what their reaction will be. Leaving him like everybody else... clueless.
We walked out swiftly, both falling in the same pace they look like they are a runaway models walking around potatoes  . A thought made its way to my own mind which made me turn around to the thinker as a form of reflex , a random guy blushed when I looked at him.
When I turned away , Edward was staring at me intensely, like trying to figure me out or thinking of conclusions that he can't voice just yet.
" May I escort you to your next class?" His voice made my heart skip a beat, not used to his velvety perfect voice
I nod, blushing furiously " I have music next, it's my first time attending this class, since the teacher wasn't there the three days I came here . Although I don't know what am I going to do, it's the middle of the semester and everyone has trained for their positions "I rambled, Edward smiled, that crooked smile that only he can master and charm my heart and other poor humans around us. And by their thoughts, I believe that he doesn't usually smile that often, even with his family .
" I have the same class too" he replied while floating towards said class.
I walked beside him, having no trouble mimicking his agility to dodge humans even if most of them chooses to stay clear of our way and whisper to their friends about this entire scene.
Oh, another Cullen?  The bohemian styled music teacher thought as soon as she saw Edward and I enter the class . I can see Edward sigh, hearing the same thought
" well, hello .. umm .. you're the new student?" The cheerful teacher began
I smile politely nodding " yes, my name is Mabel du lac" I introduced myself. Wow another extraordinarily beautiful student and with a French accent!
Her thoughts were a bit too loud making my smile flutter.
" great! So, we are in the middle of the semester so I don't know where to put you really" she said scratching her head in thought
" I played piano most of my life, and violin too" I shrugged suggesting the instruments I'm good at .
" oh! We have Edward as our pianist and we really don't have a violin available so" she clasped her hands a little too excited for a teacher
Ooo this is going to be funn ! She singsong in her head making Edward cringe from his seat . I giggled quietly finding it amusing.
"Let's do a battle! " she cheered making the students erupt with cheered and agreements . All of them wanting to see a challenge and some of them so they can waist time and not actually practice.
" oh no no no.. it's alright I can play something else" I declined politely. Not wanting to go against a vampire who might have seen Beethoven play in front of him, or has been friends with Chopin.
" nope.. it's has been decided " the teacher smirked, excitement coming from her eyes and thoughts.
I only now could see that Alice is in this class too and she practically jumping up and down on her seat while Edward just looks annoyed .
" okey Edward.. you start first " the teacher says.
Edward gingerly nods and stood up, gracefully walking to the piano seat before giving me an apologetic smile.
The teacher guided me to a seat before walking to her own . And suddenly, it was silence, all the students held their breath looking at the Greek god who's playing Beethoven. Moonlight sonata so perfectly that makes anyone drown in the sound of graceful tunes.

His face has a beautiful frown on, like he is focusing on a memory... something inspiring him that I do want to see and know .
My heart beats so fast from the perfectly played sonata and from how beautiful he looks behind the piano. I wouldn't dare to play against him but the teacher beg to differ.
Edward finished and all the girls in the class sighed almost drooling.
" okey sweety.. it's your turn " miss Patts said, almost sorry for me that I have to compete against perfection. Many thoughts agreed with her on that.
My pride and challenging spirit awakened and I decided to actually take this challenge on.
I smile politely, not needing the notes sheets because I memorize the song.
I cracked my fingers and turned to make eye contact with Alice who was sitting in the front with an excited smile, like she knows exactly what I'm going to play... who am I kidding.. of course the clairvoyant will know
I nod to my teacher and began playing the first song I learned playing

I loved Alice in wonderland so much that I had to learn the piano theme. It was the first song that I sang too.
I closed my eyes fully imagining my home, the old piano sitting in the corner of the big room, my parents sitting on the love seat cuddled into each other while smiling toward me proudly while hearing me sing with the piano. My soprano voice reaching high notes with ease.. perks of being half vampire.
In that moment , I didn't care about who's watching me or am I making mistakes... the piano took me away to my home .

I'm sorry for the slow updates.. I'll try harder to update more

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