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Jin's POV

     I push Jimin off of me after hearing that voice.
My eyes widen when I see five boys standing in the entryway of my room.
"Um...what the hell are you guys doing in my house?" I ask, getting up from the floor.
     "The hell is Jimin doing here? I thought you had chores to do Hyung." Taehyung says.
     "I..I do have chores to do. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go downstairs." I say, walking towards the five boys at my doorway.
I bump into Namjoon while trying to get out of my room.
"Move Namjoon." I say, not wanting to deal with him at the moment.
He softly grabs my wrist and holds it. He pulls me close to him and throws me over his shoulder.
     "Yah! Namjoon! What are you doing?!" I scream.
     I feel someone smack my ass and I gasp. "Shut your cute little ass up Hyung. Take him downstairs Joon." I hear Hoseok say.
     "Yah! Don't you dare drop me!" I say. "Hyung, you've forgotten about my quirk." Namjoon says.
     The next thing I know, we're standing in the living room.
     Oh yeah. His quirk is teleportation. He puts me down on the couch and in seconds, the other five boys come downstairs.
"We have something to tell you." Yoongi says.
All of them surround me and get close to me.
"We like you Hyung." All of them say in unison.
I already figured Yoongi and Taehyung would like me and Namjoon told me straight up, but all of them?
"A-all of you?" I ask, my face reddening. They all nod.
"I...I've only been at school for two days and you all like me?" I ask.
They all chuckle and Taehyung says, "Hyung, have you ever heard of love at first sight?"
"Yes don't believe all of you have fallen for me in a span of two days though." I say.
"That's because, we fell for you the minute we saw you Hyung." Hoseok says.
     All I can do at this point is stare at them all. My face getting redder by the minute.
     "Do you feel the same about us Hyung?" Jungkook asks.
"I...I dint know." I say. I do like all of them. They're a bunch of cute crackheads.
     I don't know if I've fallen in love with them all though.
     We've only just met yesterday. There's no way they could fall for me that quickly.
     Yoongi steps in front of me and lifts my face upwards by my chin.
     "You don't have to pick one of us now Hyung. Just know that we'll be waiting for your answer." Yoongi says.
     Pick? Oh god they want me to pick. How can I chose just one of them?!
"Um...how about we..play a game?" I ask them, moving away from them on the couch.
"What kind of game, Hyung?" Taehyung asks moving closer to me.
"Um...catch me if you can!" I yell, jumping off of the couch and running.
"Oh! And Jungkook, you're not allowed to use your quirk! It's cheating.!"
"Oh come on!" Jungkook says. I laugh and continue running around the house.
Namjoon can't use his quirk well in here because he hasn't seen my entire house.
I giggle to myself and continue running.

Jungkook's POV

This is so unfair. Just because my quirk is super speed, doesn't mean I'll find hyung any quicker.
"I didn't even see where he went." Yoongi says.
"I did. He went that way." Namjoon says, pointing down a hallway.
"Are we all going to look for him together or individually?" Hoseok asks.
"I feel like he'll be expecting us to look for him individually." Taehyung says.
"Then we should look together." Jimin says. We all run in the direction Namjoon pointed earlier.
I'm having trouble controlling my quirk. It's super speed, what do you expect?
As we're running, I hear something fall in another room.
I stop and run to where I heard the noise. I see Jin stop and run off.
Soon, the other as are following me. We run after Jin until he trips and slides across the floor.
We all laugh and I go over and pick him up. He yelps when I hold him with one arm and walk over to the rest of the guys.
     "Jinnie, how come you let Jungkook hold you?" Taehyung asks.
     "Because he likes me better you Canadian flag." I say, turning around and running away from the guys at full speed.
     "Yah! You brat! Get back here with Jin!" I hear Yoongi say.
      I run around the house until I find myself back in Jin's room.
     "Yah! Don't ever run that fast with me again! I felt like you were going to drop me." Jin says.
     I laugh and put him down on his bed. I suddenly remember that the guys will probably come up here looking for us, so I lock the door.
     As I walk back to the bed slowly, Jin backs himself into the headboard of his bed slowly.
     "W-Why did to lock the door Kookie?" He asks.
     I crawl towards him slowly, my eyes never leaving his plump, kissable lips.
     The closer I get to him, the more he pushes himself into the bed.
     Soon, I'm towering over him and he's laying on the bed under me.
     I lean forward slowly and take his lips. I gently kiss him, not wanting to hurt him.
     I break away to see an adorable blushing Jin.
     I smile and lean forward to claim his lips once again.
     Just as our lips touch, I feel someone grip my shoulder.
     The next thing I know, I'm being pulled off of Jin.
     I turn my head to see a furious Namjoon looking at me.
     "I take it you forgot about my quirk." He says.
     "Um...see...about that...CAN YOU BLAME ME?! I MEAN LOOK AT HIM! HE WAS ASKING TO BE KISSED!" I say.
     "Not by you, you idiot! He was definitely asking to be kissed by me." I hear Jimin say.
     "How the fuck did you get in here?" I ask. "I picked the lock." Yoongi says.
     "Excuse me, but I wasn't asking to be kissed by anyone. It's not my fault my lips are addicting." Jin says from the bed.
     His eyes widen and his cheeks flush when he realizes what he said.
     "Get out. All of you get out! I can't handle all of you right now!" He says, getting up from the bed and pushing all of us out of his room and to the front door.
     "I still have chores to do anyway, so I need you guys out of the way." He says, pushing us out of the front door.
     "You do realize I can teleport in here whenever I want, right?" Namjoon says to Jin.
     When Namjoon turns around to look at Jin, he's glaring at him.
     All of us back away slowly when we see this. "Try that and there will be hell to pay." Jin says.
     With that, we all run down the street to our houses. Namjoon was the first one gone.

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