"maybe you left it inside," I said and move her to face me. " I can be your human blindcane for a moment" then I smiled,  I know she can't see me but I'm sure she feels what I feels.  At least.

I can see her blushing under the light of the moon,  how cute
I whispered under my breath and I wrapped my arms around her waist.
"A-re you s-sure abou this Tan? " shakingly, she asked.

"would I lend my hand to you if I'm not sure? " then I pulled her closer to me, atleast at this moment,  I can feel her around me being safe.

Jia's pov:

Electric shocks my whole body and made my knees tremble as he wrapped his arms around my waist. No one did this to me before,  or maybe because he is the first guy that dared to date me.

"A-re you s-sure abou this Tan?" ghasshhh why can't I make myself clear!

"would I lend my hand to you if I'm not sure? " he answered,  God!  I can't stand this man beside me! Wwaacckkk!!!  My heart!  Mah soul!
And after that he pulled me closer to him,  not too close for him to hear my heart beat beating fast for him.

He made sure that I won't strip myself down,  he takes care of me the way that was beyond my expectations.  It's like in a fairytale story.  But I don't want an happy ending in every story after my mom died.  But I guess it could change after I met this man beside me who carefully guided me inside the mansion of Mia's family.

"we're here" then he unwrapped his arms around my waist. Please don't! Joke

"I won't be leaving you,  but I will just one call away if you want me to be with you" he said,  I don't understand why it hurts my heart a bit by those lines of him,  I want him to be with my side.  Only!

So even if I don't want to be possesive visually impaired person,  I asked him the what I think the wildest question I asked for a guy. "Can't you just stay by myside? " together with that is my hands holding his hands.

Ghasshh!! I can't explain why am I doing this!  Please someone wake me up from this dream!!!

"I want to,  but my soon to be business partners will be looking for me so I have to entertain them,  sorry.  But I'll make it up to you I promise! " he said and slowly pulled my hands and put it on my lap.

I just realized that how much I love this man,  just now!  I realized that my bigest rival on him is his passion towards the business.  Haisst..  I have to suit myself well to blend well to his world.

Not so long enough,  the clock finally strives at 12 am. People were making noise,  as if it's new year and greatfully the father of Mia cut the ribbon as the sign of opening to his new Circus branch here in Seoul.

I clap since I'm glad that finally they opened a new circus here in Seoul since their main place of business was in Hongkong Disneyland. And another clap for myself for being left behind. I imagine what the world looks like.  Hayyss.

Boredom strikes and I decided to get myself a drink. Welp,  my dad teach me how to drink since I'm already 18. Perks of being a 18 years old teen ahehehehee.

After 5 shots,  I can't feel my face anymore.  Holy mother queen!  I'm in danger.

I trued to get myself together until I heard a strange voice,  "young lady,  are you fine? " with a husky voice that guy slowly slide his fingers in my bare arms.

"Let go of me! " I send in defense and pulled away his fingers.

"oh~ you're brave,  I love it" and I hear his glass placed over the table behind my back.

"and blind" then he smiled,  I can feel it since he's so close to me.  I turned around and face the table.

"so you like displaying your back? " he asked again,  "lovely" my face heated up when he started to touch it. Damn it!  I can't fight him! I can't even control myself from standing .

"get away from me! " I said out of anger. Together with it are the tears that started to fall out. I HATE IT!

but instead of staying away,  he leaned his body in my back and I can feel his erected manhood swaying at the back of my hips!

This sick pervert!!!!

"you love it?  You can get it" he said, I clenched my fist and about to punch him with all of my strength when someone already punch him.

"don't you dare touch her!  She's mine to handle and not yours! " a very familiar voice I heard.  And together with that is my body falling down out of stress and pressure that I felt with that bastard. Even for the last time,  I heard his very calm voice but with pure anger and irritation.

I woke up with a wet face towel in my head.  Ughh..  My head hurts.

"where am I? " I whispered to myself.  I tried to familiarize the place by simply tapping the small table beside my bed.  And luckily,  I had it.

Good. But how did I got here?! So many questions popped into my head.  And it still hurts.

"Jia?  Are you up already? " it's dad who talked on the other side of the door.

"come in dad,  " I said and arranged my hair.

"you should drink this soup,  your mom made it.  It's good for hangovers" then he gave me a small bowl to drink it.

"taste good? " he asked while combing my hair using his fingers.

"as always dad" I replied with a smile

"by the way, dad how did I got home last night? " I asked out of curiosity. And I want to thank who ever save me fom that pervert shit.

He let out a deep sigh, "Tan and Mia brought you here" he said,  but there's a disappointment from his tone.

I placed the bowl to the tray, "what's with that feels dad?  It's the unfamiliar piece of you" I said

"it is because I wasn't there to protect you,  I feel dumb founded when I heard what happened to you last night. I even promised your mom to protect you at all cost" he said and lay his head low.

"dad~ you know me well,  you didn't raise a very feminine lady here. I was just drunk that's why I can't fight back, but at least Tan saved me" I replied with a smile on my face.

Can't deny,  I'm really falling for that guy. Tan

"can we invite him here dad?  As a thank you treat to him? For saving me.. " i don't know what more can I do to say thank you,  but at least it mom could also meet him especially Eunice.

"sure you can,  I'll just tell your mom about it. " then dad pat my head. I love it when he does it to me,  i felt like special and very important I don't know,  I just love it.

After I finished sipping the soup,  I looked for my phone and directed it to dialed Tan's number.

What's with this strange feeling huh?

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