Chapter 19

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"I don't care about theses guys so I'm just gunna wear a tee and some seats with a messy bun sound good?" I said nudging her and laughing.

"Very funny I already picked out ur outfit, it's a grey tank top with a white lace camisole. And a marrow skirt. Oh and how did I forget ur white heels." She said dragging me to my room to put on the outfit.

"Alright well I'll get changed but I'm keeping the messy bun" I smiled

"Even better" Beth laughed. "Oh and hurry were gunna be 5 minutes late and the first guys name is, Dante."

"Ooh, Dante that sounds different" I said opining the door to show Beth my outfit she picked out.

"Ahh u look great now let's go!" Beth squeaked.

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