plastic bags and vibrations - imallexx x james marriott

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A/N: so ya girl is back, here's another old Ryden one I wrote and ive edited it to be James/Alex. if i miss any names that i havent changed please let me know!! hope you like this, let me know what other pairings, or any prompts x

Ell x

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James' POV

I heard the latch of our apartment latch shut signalling my boyfriend Alex came home after a day out with most of the commentary lads, they'd all been planning a collab. I was attempting at cooking in the kitchen and once I heard his footsteps grow closer I turned around and walked over to the shorter man and smiled at him before giving him closure and wrapping him in my arms and kissing his forehead.

"Hey love, how'd it all go?" I asked in a soft tone. Alex smiled up at me and nodded gently

"Yeah, I missed you though, you should of come with me." Alex elaborated and smirked slightly, man his smirk is hot. I shook my head in response to him

"No, it's good for you to have fun with youtube, I'm glad you're planning some interesting stuff. Anyway, what have you brought back home honey?" I gesture to the bags in his hand; various bags were from clothes stores, one I noticed  was from a little local music shop we always go to, but there was another bag; Plain black and not even a tiny logo in sight, my eyes drifted over it as he spoke,

"Eh, not much really. I bought a couple records and some shirts and, uh.. stuff." His shoulders raised and lowered in a slow and dramatic shrug. He placed the bags down on the black marbletop counter beside him before standing closer to me and lowering his voice, "I'd much prefer to have you though, James." His delicate fingers traced patterns above my waistband where he had exposed the small section of skin. I lent down and kissed him delicately, just feeling his fleshy, plumped lips made me feel like the luckiest man in the world, I could never feel like I wasn't important in his arms and soon enough his other hand reached the back of my head, playing with the hair slightly causing me to smile and break the kiss. He frowned at me slightly and I mouthed "Sorry." before kissing him again.

A minute or two later Alex pulled away with his signature smirk plastered across his face

"Hey, what about you come upstairs with me and see what you think of the clothes I bought." I grabbed his hand in mine and our fingers, like silk, flowed together. I watched as he picked up the plastic bags and led me upstairs to our room. He opened the door and walked me over to our bed, he perched me on the end as he put the bags from the music shop and the bag which I still was unsure of it's contents down next to me. He strode forward with the clothes bags in hand and I reached over for the black bag to see what he's bought, hopefully Alex hasn't bought a present or anything. Alex was starting to pull his white shirt over his head as I pick up the flimsy plastic and Alex must of heard because he turned around so quickly I'm pretty sure he could have gotten whiplash. "What are you doing?" He questioned, pace quick and worrisome, I put the bag back down and shook my head

"Just wanted to see what you got, Al" I stitched my eyebrows together in confusion and Alex promptly threw his shirt to the ground and walked back over and straddled me. His legs wrapped around me and I knew he was horny, I mean he was always a horny bitch, but he gave it away by grinding down onto my crotch as he murmured into my ear,

"I think you'll enjoy yourself much more if you watch me sweetie.." His breath and cologne lingered around me while he rubbed his ass down on me, our lips were caught in allurement. I always struggle to concentrate when he has his hands around my waist, sitting over my lap and he kisses me; I've always found myself drifting into indulgence during these times when my eyes roll back and,

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2019 ⏰

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