Awkward What Did You Say?

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A/N: This is dedicated to @madielicious because I enjoyed reading 'Misguided Ghosts' so much.

She frowned, her eyes analysing Connor for a moment. Isla took in his sandy coloured hair, his overcast sky blue eyes and his relieved facial expression. Her eyes finally fell on his pale blue shirt. Damn, she loved that shirt.

Hey. The female was about to reply but when she attempted to, no sound left her lips.

Her mouth was in the shape of an 'O', her eyes wide with fear. She desperately tried again the reply but all that escaped her vocal chords was a strangled sob. Tears of realisation began to pour down her face, dropping onto the hospital sheets. Connor, something is wrong!

"Isla?" he frowned becoming increasingly concerned. "Isla, I'm freaking out here. Please, say something?"

Isla, in her panicked frenzy, pointed at her throat and shook her head. Her wide, crazed eyes searched frantically around the room for a pen and paper, anything to convey the message to her actor boyfriend. Whilst she freaked out, the Falling Skies actor walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. "You can't speak?" his facial expression broke her heart, he suddenly looked so broken.

Isla paused, staring at him. Once again, she pointed to her throat and then shook her head as more tears fell. Connor, I can't talk! she imagined screaming at him.

Tears formed in his own eyes as his jaw clenched. "You can't speak." he repeated this words, no longer a question but a statement. "This cannot be happening." Connor hissed under his breath, shaking his head. Suddenly, he was crying too, sharing Isla's pain. She hated watching him look and feel as broken as she did. Isla desperately wanted to tell him that everything was all right and that everything would be okay but she couldn't. She had no working vocal chords. "Why did this have to f***ing happen to you? Oh, Isla..."

The youngest Cassanova found herself weeping uncontrolably too, the heart monitor she was attached to began to beep, faster and faster.

That caught Connor's attention, he looked up at her and quickly tried to compose himself, wiping his tears on his sleeve. He cupped Isla's face gently, wiping his tears with his thumb. "Ssh, ssh, it's okay. It's all right. Ssh, it's going to be okay. You're going to be just fine." he paused,  resting his forehead against hers. Connor listened to her heart monitor slowly calm down, teturning back to it's normal pace. "Ssh, there we go, it's okay. We're okay. You're gonna be okay."

I'm scared, Connor.

Her heart rate was now beating a steady pace, reassuring Connor immensely that Isla- though she had no voice- was still alive. He held her for a few more minutes, just listening to her breathing. When he was satisfied that she was calm again, Connor sat up and stared down at his injured girlfriend. He brushed away a few stray locks from her face and wiped away any lingering tears. "Right," he tried to speak in his most reassuring tone. "I'm going to go and speak to your family and talk to the doctor oncall about what's wrong. Then, I'm going to come back and I'm not ever leaving your side. I'm going to help get you through this, Isla. Okay? Oh, Hell-" he could feel another wave of distressing emotion wash over him but quickly pushed it away, knowing that Isla was depending on him to stay strong. "We're gonna be okay, whatever is wrong can be fixed and if not, then we'll find a way to work around this...situation." he sighed, still staring into her sad, brown eyes.


He walked towards the waiting room where the rest of the Cassanova's were waiting. As soon as James Cassanova saw Connor walking down the hall, he stood up and strode over to "Ben Mason". "Connor, how is she? What's happened, why are you-" he demanded to know what state his daughter was in.

"Isla is awake." Connor began to explain as Valerian and Sebastian joined the duo in the entrance of the waiting room. "But-" he stopped mid-sentence, how could be possibly be telling her Fathers this? "She can't talk."

James stared at Chris, needing further information. "What?"

"She can't speak. Isla cannot talk. Something...something must have happened when she hit the pavement, I don't know," he ran a weary hand across his face, his brow furrowing. "She just can't seem to talk."

"S**t." James cursed.

Sebastian and Valerian glanced at each other, equally shocked. "James," Valerian patted her brother's arm. "why don't I drive Connor back to the house while you go and visit Isla? Sebastian can wait here for Mark to arrive." she met Sebastian's eye contact. "If that's okay with you?"

"Absolutely." he agreed.

"But, I told Isla that I'd stay with her." Connor disagreed.

Valerian smiled sympathetically at him. "You can come back to the hospital for the evening visits. Let's just get you something to eat and drink. Okay?"


She produced a set of keys from her bag. "Let's get you out of here, Connor."

As they left, James focused his attention on Sebastian. "I'm assuming you're actually  going to stay?"

"Yeah, I'll let Mark know what the situation  is and show him which hospital room she's in."

The other male sighed, running a hand through his hair. "How could this have happened?"

"Neither can I." Sebastian sighed too. "You should go and see her though, she needs you more than ever right now."

"I know."

When Sebastian moved to sit back down, James made his way back to his daughter's room. He paused for a moment, sighing. "What a day." he whispered to himself and with that he walked into the room.


Awkward Girls Always Get The Guy (A Sebastian Stan Story) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now