Chapter 1

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**morning of job ceremony**


I wake up to Christina rapidly shaking me screaming, "Tris wake up! Wake up! Today we get to choose our jobs and you need to get ready!!" I groan in annoyance but I get up anyway. "Hurry up and get a shower. Then put this on." Chris says while handing me the dress she bought me during initiation. I go and take a quick shower and when I'm done, I throw on the dress and walk out and see Chris setting up her make up and hair stuff. "Let's get this over with." I mumble under my breath. "I heard that!" Chris says almost yelling. "Sorry." is all I say. I walk over to her and sit on the empty chair in front of her. She starts to curl my hair and my make up. "So what job do you want to get?" She asks me breaking the silence.

"Well, I want to be and initiate instructor for the transfers-"

"With Four eh?" She says cutting me off, wiggling her eyebrows. I just sigh and continue. "As I was saying, I want to be an initiate instructor, but since it's only part time, I have to choose another job. I don't know which one but people have been telling me that I should become a leader but I don't know if I'll be good enough. What kind of job do u want?"

"I'd also want to be an initiate instructor and maybe a nurse or something. And I definitely think you should be a leader, I mean you were the best initiate in the class for crying out loud!"

I smile when she says that, "Thanks Chris."

"Okay." She says while handing me a mirror. "What did you think?"

When I look in the mirror I don't see Beatrice, the abnegation. I see Tris, a dauntless prodigy.

"Chris..." I start, but I can't finish. I have no words. "... Thank you so much!" I say standing up to hug her. After our little hugging session we let go and she says, "Come on. Let's go choose our jobs!" And with that, we're off to the pit.

When we get to the pit, we get there just in time because everyone starts coming in, fast. Chris and I take our seats on the stage, me beside Uriah and her beside Will. I look around the crowd looking for Tobias, but he's not here, strange. Eric steps up to the podium, and starts to say a speech, it gets boring so I zone out for a while until he says what jobs are available. "For this years initiates, the available jobs are; 2 dauntless leaders," Uriah nudges me when he says that. "1 tattoo artist, 2 nurses, 1 control room worker, 3 initiate instructors 1 transfer, 2 dauntless born, and 4 guards at the fence." Right when he finishes the list, Tobias and Zeke come running in, must have been something in the control room. "Tris Prior." Eric announces. I walk up to the podium and say, "I would like to be an initiate instructor for the transfers and dauntless leader." Everyone claps and I see Max crossing off the two choices I just chose. I step off the stage and walk over to Tobias. He wraps his arms around me and whispers in my ear, "Great choices." "Thanks." I reply.

I let go and watch the rest of my friends choose their jobs, clasping Tobias's hand. When everyone is done choosing, we have a big group hug. Everyone's jobs were:

Uriah - dauntless leader and dauntless born initiate instructor

Chris - nurse and dauntless born initiate instructor

Will - control room worker

Marlene - nurse

Lynn - tattoo artist

Peter and rest of initiates - guarding the fence

When we break from the hug, Tobias shouts, "Party at my place. Be there 5:00!" I hear everyone except for Christina who's screeching, "Tris! You know what that means!? Shopping!!" Ugh! Man she's got a voice. "Actually Christina, I've gotta take Tris -" "Yesss!!!" I say cutting him off. "Your lucky Tris." Chris says while smirking. "Alright initiates," Eric starts, "Go back to your dorms, on your bunks there's a duffle bag, in that bag is you key to your new apartment. You now may leave." Everyone shuffles out but Tobias keeps me back. "I've been meaning to ask you something." He says nervously

"Seems important, what is it?"

"Well, do... you... what to move in with me?"

"I'd love to move in with you!"

"Great! Now let's go back to OUR apartment."

I smile to his words.

"What about my stuff?" I ask

"It's already in our apartment." He says smiling. We start heading toward our room.

"So why were you and Zeke coming in today?" I ask

"Zeke dragged me to go shopping for a ring for Shauna, he's proposing to her tonight at the party." He says smiling

"Cute." I reply

Once we are outside the door of out apartment Tobias hands me a key, "I think you'll need this." "Thanks." I reply. I look closely at the key, engraved on it is 4+6. I smile. We walk in and nothing is new, just 2 dauntless cakes on the counter top and the furniture is moved around, assuming it's for the party. It's 2:00 so we have 3 hours until the party, and it's gonna take me like an hour and a half to get ready so we have an hour and a half to do what ever we want. "What do we do now?" I ask. He grins and walks towards me. We just kiss and talk until it's 3:30 then I go and get ready.

A/N: Hey initiates! This is my first fanfic. Please comment what you think about, please no hate comments, but tell me if you have any suggestions.


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