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Blasty Beach: Anyone want to have a singing competition? I'll be the Judge

Small Might: Sure! Sounds like fun!

Graviti Gurl: Yeah, sure I'll come!

Red Riot: Hey gang, you bro's coming?

Baku-Squad: Yeah!

Explosion Boi: No.

Sparki Boi: Oh come onnnnnn, Bakubro!!! It'll be fun!!!

Explosion Boi: Still a no.

Momo: Is no one gonna stress the fact that Kirishima just busted through Bakugous room and dragged him down the stairs???

Iida: Yoayorozu, I expected better of you. Please say 'going to'. 'Gonna' Is not proper grammer!

Small Might: Iida, I know you're my friend and all....but no one cares about the rules at this point

Mina: Why are we texting if we're all in the same room? And why is Bakugou so emotional towards this song?

Small Might: It was our favorite when we were little!


Explosion Boi: SHUT UP!!!! DEKU!!! YOU PIECE OF SHIT!

IT'S YOUR POWER, NOT HIS: Midoryia, I think you should run

Small Might: On it!

~One Hour Later~

Tokoyami: WhEn I wAs!

DarkShadow: a YoUnG bOy

Blasty Beach: This contest has gone downhill REAL fast

Graviti Gurl: You can say that again...

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