Chapter 6🥰

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Lani POV

When I woke up I felt someone holding on to me I look up and see Jhaire sleeping. He's adorable when he is sleeping. He is also a hugger and I love it. I look next to me and see a note. It says "Laylani if you wake up and don't remember what happened just know you sang to me and I felt something for you. I know we just met and we don't know each other like that but I want to get to know you. If you want me to leave you can wake me up if you don't then throw this note away." When I tell you I hopped out that bed and threw that note away so fast. I really like Jhaire and the fact that he felt something about me when I wasn't even trying meant a lot. I'm also glad he didn't take advantage of me either. I got back in the bed and fell asleep on his chest.

I woke at about 8 and Jhaire was already up I looked at him and smiled "Good Morning Sleeping Beauty" He said smiling "Good Morning Prince Charming." I said to him "I'm gonna go brush my teeth" "Do you have an extra toothbrush I can have?" He asked "Yea" I said I have him a toothbrush we brushed our teeth and came and sat on the bed.

"How am I going to get out of here without getting stopped by your brothers and Dad?" He asked me "My dad not here. But I want to do a prank on my brothers though." I told him. "What prank?" "Caught in the bed prank" I said "Let's do it." He said. So I did my intro and set up my cameras. Jhaire took off his shirt and I had on a sports bra and some biker shorts. Me and Jhaire started talking and laughing we made the little sound effects and then we here Melo coming down the hallway. "It's time" I say to Jhaire "let's do this"

Melo POV

I woke up to weird noises coming from Lani's room so I got up to check it out. "Laylani why are you making all of that noise!" I say as I walk into her room when I open the door I see her and Jhaire in the bed together. " OHHHH THEY FUCKING AHHHHHHHHH! ZO! GELO LANI AND JHAIRE FUCKING!" "Melo shut up!" Lani says Lonzo and Gelo rushed out they rooms into her room . Gelo slipped on something and fell. Zo came in the room and looked at them. "Laylani what the fuck bro... why you fucking this dude y'all don't even know each other." Lonzo says "Man why you in her business." Jhaire says "Aye don't come at him like that. He bout five seconds from fucking you up." I said "Nah fuck that I'm rey fight him" Gelo says "Nobody is fighting anyone" Lani says "Yo shut up. Yo dumb ass you out here fucking him and y'all don't know each other like that." Zo says "You can't tell me anything didn't your stupid ass get Denise pregnant oh okay." Laylani fired back. Damn she got him.

Gelo POV

This is crazy Lani really fucking this dude I really ready to fight him why is he fucking my sister bro. I look up and see a camera I look at Lani "This a prank" I mouth to her "yea" she mouthed back. Thank you Jesus I was going to kill him and her. I look at Lonzo and say " Man leave it alone if she wanna get pregnant let her be." He looked at me like I was the dumbest person on the earth. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU SHE NOT OLD ENOUGH FOR THIS SHIT!" He yells at me "SHE IS GROWN SHE CAN DO WHAT SHE SHE WANTS YOU WASNT SETTING NO TYPE OF EXAMPLE ANYWAY!" Jhaire yelled Lonzo tried to jump on him so me and Melo had to hold him back. "Issa prank Issa prank" Laylani said laughing Everybody bust out laughing except Lonzo he walked out the room and slammed his door.

Laylani POV

Man I would never do that prank again my brothers are crazy. After Jhaire left all hell broke loose Gelo and Zo got into it. Lonzo threw Melo and busted his head. Lonzo has been acting crazy. Me and him got into a fight. I think he broke my arm. I called Jhaire crying "Hello" he said "Can... you pick me up please." I said crying "Why what's going on." "Lonzo just lost it and took it out on all three of us I think he broke my arm." I cried "I'm on my way pack some clothes you staying at my place." He told me "Alright"

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