"She won't even look at me and to make things worse she blocked our link" I explained

"Wow, you really did it" Said Tyler with a snake like sound at the end.

" let's just get this over with" I said walking out of the house.

We catch up with the girls and Violet is ahead of everyone. In an instant she turns into her wolf and gives me a look before running off in the air at the direction of the lake. She places her lights on the girls feet when they turned so that they could glide in the air like her.

When we got to the lake the girls already had their tent set up and there was something else. While Rosie and Everly were trying to Hang and tie the Tarp for the movie. Violet was floating on her golden shelf in the air as she stared in the distance. I was about to go up to her but something stops me from doing so. I then see her orb cover her up and she stays in there for the rest of the day.

"What do you think she's doing in her orb?" Asked Rosie

"Beats me" Said Everly

"You really messed up Dean" they said in sync.

"Thanks I know" I said with sadness as we eat our chips. Her orb falls and she creates stair like shelves to bring her toward us down to the ground. She look at me and then looks away, grabbing a snack and then heads back up in the air and covers herself in her bubble again.

"Wow" Said Dexter wide eyed.

Night came around and she was still in her orb. The orb glistened brightly and didn't seem to move or anything..

"Okay I think I'm gonna go join Violet" Said Everly Standing up off the snow covered log and walked over to the orb with snacks.

"You coming Rosie" she shouted

"Violet can you let us in please" they yelled and then they were lifted into the air and the orb opened. I saw her in there with a blanket like she had been sleeping. We make eyes contact but she breaks it by turning away and then closing the orb.

"Wow, she's getting really good With light harnessing" Said Tyler

"Yeah, that seems more advanced than Lucas" said Dexter with a pout.

*End of Dean's POV*

I wake up in my orb to the sound of Everly yelling from the outside. I open it slightly and lift them in the arm with a wave of the hand. They look at me with curiosity. Dean and I meet eye contact, I quickly break it and close the orb up again. I close my eyes and widen my orb so that is three can fit inside it.

"It's warm in here" Said Rosie smiling

" yeah, I can control the temperature when I'm in my orb" I said with a yawn.

"How are you doing?" Said Everly with a concern voice.

"What do you mean? I'm fine" that was a lie.

"I know your lying. Your eyes shift to the side" she said

"Yup they do" blurted out Rosie I growl at them both.

"You should talk to Dean, he's been quiet the whole time barely said anything" she Explained.

"Yeah, he's really sad and just puts his head down and whimpers" Said Rosie stuffing her mouth with chips.

" Hey don't worry about my personal problems, we should watch a movie" I Said to them with a smile.

" Oky then let's get going" Said Everly

"Actually we can just watch it in here if you want" I suggested


"I took the projector" I said and then laughed evilly.

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