Chapter Thirty One

Start from the beginning

He didn't seem to want an answer and it looked like this Luke was as gullible as the other one because to told Aaron in a stern quiet voice.

"Because I am in love with Nexia."

The words sent butterflies and it was better because I knew that he wasn't just saying it because that was what he might have been told to do but because he might seriously actually love me.

"It's a long story Aaron." I explained and he rolled his eyes at this.

He crossed his arms over his built chest. "I have a long night ahead of me."

Sitting on the dock, legs swinging toes poking the cold water we listened intently to Luke tell the story over again. I wanted to check to see if he would have any fault in his answer but like when answering mine he didn't.

Aaron and Luke sat on either side of me Aaron had his hand in my personal space trying to act like it was a nonchalant gesture and Luke was holding my hand.

The water reflected the moon and stars in the sky and what looked to be the meteor shower above.

Luke never stopped talking as I leaned against him for support the later it got. I was tired but I would never say that out loud.

Luke wrapped his arm around me keeping our hands entertwined still as he kissed my forehead nuzzling his nose into the side of my face while he continued talking.

"And ever since than I've been in love with her unconditionally." He whispered the words loud enough for Aaron who stared off into space could hear.

It was quiet for a few minutes and I didn't doubt that Aaron was probably rethinking his whole life like I had. It wasn't a hard thing to miss between the facts of living and non living.

It seemed stupid that I hadn't thought of something like this happening before. It should have come through my head way before this because I usually thought of everything. I made sure to think of every possible explanation and I couldn't even think of something like this happening?

"Don't you think she needs a more stable relationship than the one that you had put her in?" Aaron questioned and I could feel his probbing gaze on us with resentment. I didn't want to look his way to see the way he would be staring at us but I had to.

Luke moved under me to get a better look at Aaron, moving me on his shoulder.

"I had only put here in that one because it was easy enough to switch places with Bot 1 when I wanted or needed too. I never thought that he would begin to have a mind of his own." The way he spoke it slowly and a little bit angered had me worried but than I realized that this Luke wouldn't go balistic like the other one would.

It gave me a little piece of mind as I settled back into his arms and his lips went into a small smile, a bit of his bottom one twitched slightly in amusement at my actions.

"She is in a stable relationship. She has me like I have her. There is nothing more that I would want." Luke said in a softer voice and his eyes twinkled when the light hit them in a certain spot. I wanted to sigh at how beautiful he was, his face did look younger and softer than Lukes ususal robotic hard face.

"How does that help Nexia from trailing off into crazy land? You left her alone with a robot that seemed to do quite a number on her." I felt Aaron grab my broken arm and hold up the cast as if to prove his point.

I shook my head taking my hand away from him and putting it into my other hand twirling it around. I saw Lukes signature on it but wasn't sure what Luke it was that had wrote it. It looked messy, sloppy in its own way and it was hard to tell if there was even a difference. The green looked unsettling under the moon light and I knew I should have gone for the pink or bright blue. This green took on a sick look, and I wanted it to be more of an earthy green.

"I did it to myself. I was the one to jump out the window." I spoke irritated hating that I had to keep reminding everybody that it was my idiocy that caused this not the robot Luke.

Lukes lips tightened at my reminder and he spoke in a dry voice "Ahh yes Yolo."

"But why else could you have jumped from your window? Could it have been oh I don't know maybe a robots fault?" Aaron growled out and I let out a sigh admitting defeat lookng down at my lap.

"I just wanted to be alone it wasn't like I meant to get myself hurt. I hate it more than you do, I happen to write with this hand and I can't so Luke takes my notes." It wasn't like it was that big of a deal, I just sat in the back of class doing nothing but listening and watching the robot Luke zoom through writing down every single word the teacher said to make sure I passed the class. And than most of the time he tried to do my homework by himself and as much as I would love that I knew I had to do it or I might fail quizzes and test and the end of the year Final Exam.

So in a way it was a win win though because Luke usually ended up giving me the answer and than practicing with me later on our way to a different class or anything.

Luke took it carefully in his hands and I didn't pull back as he set it in his lap looking at it. His fingers traced the signature and than ran over the bumpy lines. It seemed like he got distracted by doing this and that he was in his own world but I was wrong when he decided to speak up.

"I wanted to destroy him plenty of times but your dad would stop me saying how you needed Luke. But I was here why couldn't you just have me instead?" I knew he wasn't asking me, he was more so asking himself so I let it go. It wasn't something that could be easily answered though I knew he knew the answer.

"Well you should have went against Eriks rule and did what you thought neccessary for her safety." Aaron shot at Luke and I stayed quiet looking inbetween the two. It seemed like they had difference and it was like they had been old best friends and were still arguing about something that had been in the past.

"I'll write that in my memo Aaron." He shot back and I bit my lip.

"What is going on with you two? It's like you hate eachother like you guys have issues that I don't know about." The boys instantly went quiet at this and gave the other a glare.

"It's just that Aaron here is trying to make me look like a bad guy. When all I wanted to do was try and help." I gave Luke a look and he fell silent.

"Maybe if Luke was actually here and not that physcopathic robot than everything would be fine right four eyes?" Aaron shot back, and my eyebrows furrowed at this, Luke wasn't wearing glasses but it still seemed to offend him grately.

"At least you can't hit a guy with glasses, but I can sock you in the mouth Peterson." Luke growled back, had I told Luke his last name when I wasn't paying attention or had Aaron when they were doing introductions? I didn't know but I decided not to end up having any more drama tonight I was already dealing with enough.

"Okay shut up you guys." I said annoyed and they did Luke giving me an apologetic look.

"Ive been wondering this for a while now. Why is Aaron here?" Luke asked suddenly and my thoughts went blank and I knew that Luke was going to ask this question but I didn't realize it would be so soon.

"Looks like we were planning your robots death." Aaron spoke up with a humorless laugh. I shot him a glare and he rolled his eyes at it.

"Don't look at me like that cupcake we both know that was our idea. Might as well get Lucifer here in on it since he wants to get rid of Luke as much as we do."

"You were planning on killing me?" Luke asked suddenly hurt and his voice dropped as if he was betrayed.

"We thought you were the robot Luke." I said with a shrug and he seemed to understand that with a nod.

"Well it would be much simplier with me being involved since I have inside access." Luke began and an evil grin stretched across his face.

"Plan kill off robo Luke 1 is on its way." Aaron cheered happily, and he fist pumped the air.

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