Operation Sigma

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Transcript of Captain Rogers and General Sabrina's debriefing of Operation Sigma.

Captain and General Rogers reporting to Agent Maria Hill and Agent Phil Coulson.

Transcript written in Standard Format.

Phil Coulson: This is-

Maria Hill: Agent Hill. I'm in charge of Operation Sigma's paperwork, publicity and systems.

Phil Coulson: And I work more with the field work.

Maria Hill: Sabrina, you're aware that the term Nazi is a severely negative label.

Sabrina Rogers: I'm not stupid.

Maria Hill: And due to that you'll have an alternate alias. Everyone knows the story of Sabrina Rogers, and while we're releasing the information to the public and governments of the world, we also created a second identity.

Phil Coulson: Your real story will be under the alias of Sabrina Maurer. The only difference is that you are colleagues, not siblings. You did not have the mobility issue as you did as a child. I'll assume you don't need an explanation.

Maria Hill: Your alternate alias is under the name Sandra Rogers. You will be Captain Rogers' little sister who held the same genetic malfunction as you originally did. You were asked to participate in Project Rebirth to see if gender had an effect on the serum. You were a genetic constant for the experiment.

Phil Coulson: You were sent to the camps overseas as a strategist in a stealth unit, whereas Captain Rogers remained in America selling war bonds.

Maria Hill: You have two M.O.s, your original and your adopted. More or less.

Phil Coulson: As Sabrina Maurer you'll have your shield, which will change later on due to a mission we have ongoing you will be apart of once you're ready.

Maria Hill: As Sandra Rogers you will use the adopted M.O. of your-

Sabrina Rogers: Adalheida's.

Maria Hill: Adalheida's?

Sabrina Rogers: When she was captured by the Allies she left her whip with me. I used that and the shield since.

Maria Hill: I... I guess you'll only be using one at a time until, once again, it changes later on.

Sabrina Rogers: And where does he come in?

Phil Coulson: You'll have the choice of living primarily as General Sabrina Maurer, the Hydra Defect, or Colonel Sandra Rogers, the Kickass Sister.

Sabrina Rogers: General Sabrina Maurer.

Steve Rogers: Why Maurer?

Maria Hill: Ms. Rog- Sabrina, this isn't your choice. This is highly dependent on how comfortable Captain Rogers feels.

Phil Coulson: We are well aware of your capability to adapt and act.

Steve Rogers: Colonel Sandra Rogers will best protect her, right?

Maria Hill: She's protected by us either way.

Steve Rogers: As Colonel Sandra Rogers she'll be closer to me?

Phil Coulson: You'll be in the same apartment. Yes.

Steve Rogers: Colonel Sandra Rogers.

Phil Coulson: Is that your final choice?

Steve Rogers: Absolutely.

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