Into Hell

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If you see with innocent eyes, everything is divine

- Federico Fellini

Authors note: shit is about to start getting heavy guys. consider yourselves warned! and to those that support me, despite how horrific this fanfic is compared to other Tomione stories - thank you. i am simply a smol bean trying to preserve the original character of Tom from the HP series as J.K Rowling has written him to be, with a dark twist of my own. i appreciate your support. it is noticed.


Hermione P.O.V

"You want me to kill Daniel!? He's an innocent person!" I blurted out.

"No." Tom exhaled with exasperation. "He isn't innocent, Hermione." He was clearly losing patience with me fast. "He has defied me. Did you even drink that potion like I asked you to?"

"Yes." I defended myself. "Why would I not-"

But as I spoke the most peculiar feeling came over me. It was like my soul had just been set upon by a Dementor, and I stood there stupefied feeling each of my limbs becoming very cold. Paralysed in my own skin and beyond scared, I dropped the vial and landed on my knees holding my head in my hands.

It was like I had walked into a realm of pure negativity. I couldn't remember a single good thing, and I couldn't feel anything except a very cold and present darkness that seemed just as real as the sun outside on a bright summers day. I wanted to scream. I wanted to run out of my own body screaming bloody murder at the top of my lungs.

"Now this," Tom said softly from beside me, "Is how I see the world."

I don't ever think I had felt so overwhelming terrible before in my life. It was as if all the joy had been sucked cleanly out of my soul, leaving nothing but a frail wisp of a spirit behind, some chewed up and coughed out inhuman thing that resembled me but had absolutely no meaning whatsoever.

"Well?" Tom said in a tone unsuitably bright for the occasion, "How do you feel?"

Dead inside. Crushed.

I didn't reply. I couldn't even speak.

"Its not very polite to ignore someone who's speaking to you."Tom taunted me. "Now tell me how you feel."

"Just- kill me." I heard myself say as if from a distance. I couldn't think, I couldn't even hear the ridiculous request that had come out of my own mouth.

"Kill you?"

Tom laughed. It was truly the most terrible sound I had heard, zero traces of emotion just cruel delight. And the weird thing was, I now felt wired to understand the coldness behind it. As if my soul now had decided that it spoke his language of cruelty and terror. There was no more misunderstanding. I felt entirely beside myself, like a new person altogether.

"Unfortunately if I murdered you it would not be doing either of us any favours."

I could feel Tom beside me, I felt his cold hands forcing my own away from my face. I didn't want to see anything. I didn't want to look at anything. I didn't want to know this new, dark world.

"No." I gasped. "Don't. Go away!" I shrieked. I tried to push him back but his grip was obviously a lot stronger than me.

"Look at me." Tom said in a voice so soft it was almost gentle. But I wasn't fooled. He was emotionless, these gestures of his were as cold as a bucket of ice water thrown at me in the middle of winter.

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