xxvii: accepting hard facts and an escapade

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"Why discipline me? What have I done that you have to discipline me? I don't like it at all." He says it simplified, just hoping for them to understand.

"It's discipline. You're not supposed to like it. Talking back to your father, that too about a subject that isn't allowed, we can't have that." She says it in a formulaic manner.

"Is it just that? Or is it because you want be to make your business even more rich? If so, please disown me!" He begged, the faded, dry eyeliner was close to being smudged due to his irritating droplets.

"Yes it is! But we've nourished you your whole life, I gave birth to you, and you have to listen and follow us young man! It's the least you could do!" His mom has a shrilly voice saying that.

"And at least you could've acted like a proper mother, where were you when dad hit me for getting low marks? Couldn't you console me for a second?" Jaebum spat, a tear already making way through his hot cheek.

"I do act like a mother! And it's my job to know who you are and guide you for us and yourself! And homosexuality cannot be accepted! It's a disease! You shouldn't stand with it! It's meant to be fulminated against!" His mom exclaimed at the top of her lungs.

"Well guess what? You should've aborted me then." Jaebum was frustrated.

"Because... I can't live up to your damned dreams, and..." He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes, and in the darkness, appeared Jinyoung.

"And what?" His mom demands.

"And because... I'm in love with a boy." He says, sniffing, and looking at his mom's humiliated face, she backs off, and Jaebum sits straight.

"Y-You're w-what?" Her once never aging face got filled with a century's shock. His father had the same kind of shock on his face as well.

"That's right. And I want to continue singing and dancing... So please, I've listened to everything you said my whole life. So just, let me continue this." He says, and he hated how his voice cracked at the end.

He headed to his room, grabbed his all his hard earned money, his clothes and his important things just in case.

He's known them his whole life, and he's sure he won't get a chance to become anything other than what his parents gear him to.

He finds his mom wrapped in his father's arms, it broke Jaebum for a split second, but he resents them again knowing it's all a trap.

"Mom, dad..." His father looks at him with ill will, and his mom continues shedding crocodile tears.

"I-I'll be staying over at a friend's house tonight... I hope it gives you plenty time to discuss what your choice is by then..."

And he sauntered off to Jackson's.


"And... That marks the last of your sessions. I hope you'll do fine. Just have your medicine handy okay?" Taecyeon advises.

"I will. I'm very thankful to you for being patient with me." Jinyoung says. It was completely certain.

"I'm happy for you Jinyoung. I'm glad I could help." Taecyeon answered.

But Jinyoung doesn't get up from his seat yet.

"D-Do you... Do you per chance know Kim Yugyeom? And his condition? I want to know." Jinyoung asked expectantly.

"Yugyeom.... Yeah! He was in a stable condition but then a month later, he was once again admitted. Now he doesn't open up, and the parents had requested him to keep him there as long as they want. Of course, the hospital agreed since they were getting paid and they didn't have to provide therapy, but some staff keep close eyes on him."

Safe Haven. (JJP FF)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें