Kion's Lament

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Hey everyone! This is the extended version of "Kion's Wish" from my Randomness Book and I renamed it to "Kion's Lament", you know the song that was in the first episode. I will explain this furthermore at the end of this chapter. So without further ado, here is my 16th birthday chapter, "Kion's Lament"! 🎂

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Kion walked around in the field silently. His father just doubted him for his choices for his team for the Lion Guard. He felt defeated, yet, sad. He tried his best to prove his father that he could lead, but he doubted him still. He sighed as he thought deeply about his doubts.

"Dad wanted the best for the Lion Guard. And I found them. But now, maybe the best isn't good enough? I just don't understand why." he thought. "Why they didn't chose someone else? Am I even ready for this responsibility?"

He sat on a ledge and he tried to think deeply. He felt hopeless, yet, he loses faith. The Kings of the Past knew that he was the right choice for being a leader. He stood up and walked by as he passed the river and he sat down on the rocky edge. He cried hopelessly, wishing that it was way too true to lead for the Guard and it was only a thought that his father said.

Then suddenly, the wind blew beyond the sky and his grandfather Mufasa, came by surprise.

"Kion!" he called.

Kion turned around and he sees his grandfather there. He could not even believe it that he could see his grandfather with his own eyes. In the fact, he was surprised.

"Hevi Kebvisa!" he called. "Are you?"

"Yes, Kion. I am your grandfather." he answered.

"Mufasa. I've heard a lot about you."

"And I been watching you. You are about to embark on a great journey of a lifetime, Kion; leader of the Lion Guard!"

He felt scared when his grandfather know that he's going to be a leader. He confessed at his grandfather about his problem.

"I'm not sure Dad's gonna let me lead the Lion Guard. He's worried that I can't handle it."

"Kion, your father, Simba was worried. But he's worried because he loves you with all his heart. But being a  leader will not always be easy."

"But, maybe dad's right, maybe I'm not ready to lead yet. I was afraid, yet unsure about myself about the Roar. I'm not even sure If I can control it. First it's super loud. Then it's just a squeak. And I... I don't want to end up just like Scar with his Roar. I was really afraid I could end up just like him and I--"

"Don't be afraid, Kion."
Mufasa said with sympathy in his words. "Sometimes fears just stop you from finding out who you really truly are. But just remember this one thing, Kion. Whenever you're in doubt, just remember to always follow your own heart. Let your heart be your guiding key to your destiny and to trust your own instincts. The Roar will be there for you when you need it. And so will I. Until the Pride Lands' end..."

His grandfather had faded out of the sky. Kion stood up and tried calling him again.

"Grandfather Mufasa! Don't go yet!"

He stood silencely. He repeated his advice that he advised him. Silence came in. After that he walked away, feeling a little hopelessness to his mind.

He sat down at Big Springs. He tried his best to think this through. He doesn't know what to say underneath his thoughts. He thinked silently as seconds gone by. He stood up and looks into his reflection. He takes a deep breath and he spoke quietly, hoping that his grandfather and the great kings was still listening to him.

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