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Shinso pov

Run, run, run
Get away from them.


Blood dripping down my knees.
Painfully burning.

I woke up, flinging the blanket off of my body. 'It's fine, that was a while ago' I told myself as I looked at the clock on my phone. 5:30. I could get ready a while. I told myself as I walked over to my desk, finding my uniform sitting there. I assumed that one of my dads had washed it. I presumed it had been Papa Hizashi, as I had found a note on it. 'Have a fantastic, fabulous day' it read. Yep. Definitely Papa Hizashi. He most likely went to drop Eri off at her pre-school. I looked around again before putting my uniform on. I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I didn't even try to brush out my hair. The sports festival had been only a bit ago. I finally met class 1-A. No surprise, they were loud and obnoxious.

My other dad? He was another UA teacher. Mr. Shouta Aizawa. Most of the UA dorks called him Aizawa sensei. I didn't really talk to him during school. Except everyday when I would skip lunch to train with him. I was going to move into 1-A with the wannabe heroes today. My dad has pulled a few strings around the school, and know I was going to be apart of the loud 1-A kids. Great.

They were all stuck up and over-confident. Annoying. And I would have to socialize with these people for the rest of the year. I knew about all of their quirks. Dad told me specifically not to talk to Bakugo. He said that he was a hot-headed mess and really loud. I believed him right away after I heard his speech at the sports festival.

Aizawa pov
Shinso had grown up so much since we first got him. He learned more about his quirk, trained, he is now an older brother, and he had great grades. Now, he was coming into my class. Class 1-A. I had arranged this whole mess of a plan. I knew he wouldn't do well with everyone there. He had major anxiety issues, as expected from someone who was told they would become a villain their whole life by his peers. It had always pained me to see him hurt or injured. I was his dad after all.

That morning Hizashi had agreed to take Eri to pre-school. She was so happy, despite the awful things she had gone through. She could stay positive no matter what happened to her.

I was currently sitting in the teachers lounge with Hizashi, Numiri, and Nezu. We were talking about life. Of course Numiri and Hizashi were thrilled to have Hitoshi in 1-A. They always were happy when something exited happened in Hitoshi or Eri's lives. We had agreed that Hitoshi would sit next to Kaminari. He was always happy. I knew it would annoy him, but he needed to cope with his problems eventually. And we knew he wouldn't voluntarily do it. We had also agreed that he would still use his biological name, Hitoshi Shinso, so the other students wouldn't be suspicious he got special treatment.

Shinso pov
I stood at the door, taking a deep breath to prepare myself. I turned the handle and stepped in, everyone in there staring at me. Big eyes everywhere. This was a mistake. I was about to run out to the bathroom before my dad finally spoke up. "Okay class, this is Hitoshi Shinso, he will be joining our class. You might know him from the sports festival." I was a bit startled. My dad had actually been happy? Not in a million years, unless he was around Papa Hizashi.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a happy voice call out from in front of me. "You're supposed to sit here!" He chirped as he pointed to the desk besides him. He had amazing yellow hair with a bold, black streak in the front of it. He had a stupidly happy smile and big, beautiful golden eyes I could get lost in all day.

Kaminari pov

I looked and saw a kind of really cute boy in the corner. He looked a bit similar to Aizawa. There were round bags under his eyes. Under his amazing indigo, tired-looking eyes. He had soft looking indigo hair that stuck out everywhere. Like he had just gotten electrocuted. How ironic.

I finally snapped out of my pathetic state and spoke up. "You're supposed to sit here!" I said in my usual, chipper voice. I pointed to the empty seat besides me. He walked over and sat down, hesitantly. He put his bag besides him and sat back a bit, sighing. "So your name is Shinso, right? Well. I'm Denki Kaminari." I waved. I felt a small amount of blood rush to my face. He just nodded in agreement to my question and had a small smirk on the corner of his lips.

Jeez, just keep talking and maybe he'll talk back. "So... What's your favorite kind of animal?" I asked. "Mine is a cat" I laughed at my own, stupid response. Just then I saw his face light up. Aizawa-Sensei looked at him happily as he responded. "I love cats" he said, relaxing a bit more into the idea of conversation. I bet I had a stupid smile on my face when he said that.

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