Chapter 19- Wanted

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My body was shaking when I climbed off of the stage. I had never been so nervous in my life. We had just risked every chance I had of getting back in the band I knew it. 

"Good job Harry!" Niall said hugging me. I tried to hug him back but it seemed that my body had went numb.

"Very well done boys," Simon said smiling at all of us.

"Now what?" Liam asked.

"We wait, in the mean time I arrange a vacation for all of you boys." He said smiling at us again.

"What? Really?!" Louis shouted.

He nodded his head.

"Really, a week to where ever you want, as long as you come back with 5 new songs for the album." He said cheekily.

"Florida." Niall said.

"Florida?" I asked. Why did that place sound so familiar to me. Yeah, we had had a bunch of concerts in Florida but why did it really have a place in my mind. 

"Yeah." He said.

"Florida would be cool." Louis said. "Maybe I can get Eleanor to fly in."

"I agree, let's go to Florida." Liam said.

"Florida it is." Zayn agreed aswell. 

"Alrighty, I'll arrange for you to leave tomorrow." He said.

"Thank you!" Niall said bouncing over to him and wrapping him in a huge hug.

I smiled weakly trying to show my gratitude to the man that I owed everything to. I followed the lads out to the car and climbed in. 

I rested my head against the window as crazy thoughts reeled through my mind.

"Haz, are you alright?" Niall asked leaning into me. I lifted my head off the cool window to glance over at him. His bright blue eyes made my stomach flutter.

"Fine." I choked out.

"Well you better get better because I have a surprise for you tonight, remember?" He asked with a small hint of seduction in his voice.

"You're not going to seduce me are you?" I joked.

"Maybe." He said raising his eyebrows at me.

I stared at him wide-eyed. Was he trying to kill me?

He chuckled.

We got back to my house around 3 ish and the rest of the boys set off for home. I hung around the house desperately waiting for the text that Niall had promised to send me when he was ready.

I groaned as I searched through my closet full of brand new clothes. I had no idea what to wear.

"Hunny," My mum said knocking on my door.

"Hmm?" I asked as I pulled a black tee shirt over my head.

"What are you doing?" She asked with an amused look on her face as her eyes took in the site of what used to be my room.

I had manage to go through everything in my closet and through it some where in my room as it had been rejected.

"Niall and I....I don't know." I said.

"A date?" She asked hopefully.

"No, not a date, but a ......something." I responded awkwardly.

"Well, I know the perfect thing to wear to a something." She said smiling.

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