Chapter 22: Baby Birthdays

Start from the beginning


I wiped my teary eyes and turned around to find Scout leaning against the wall of the building.

"OMO!" I exclaimed, shocked because I didn't think I would see anyone. "Noona."

"It was nice of your mom to call you." She said with a genuine smile on her face.

"Yeah, but it's 12 in the morning there." I said. "She should be sleeping."

"It's your birthday." Scout spoke. "It gave her a reason to call you. If she's as caring as most, she wouldn't have called you any other time because she didn't want to bother you."

"I know." I looked down. "She doesn't have anyone at home. I'm the only child and I don't have a father. I don't call her as much as I should. I feel bad."

"Don't stress about it." Scout threw her arms around me in a hug. "Instead, just change it and start doing it from now on."

"I will." I nodded as I hugged her back.

"Good, now let's get inside." She said, breaking our hug.

I nodded and walked inside, Scout following behind. I wiped my eyes and joined my younger group members, joining in on the conversation.


-Tuesday, April 23, 2019~2:41PM-

~JC's POV~

"Get whatever you want." D.NK said to me. "I'll buy."

"What!" I exclaimed. "I can't let you buy for me."

"It's your birthday." He said. "You shouldn't have to pay for your own meal."

"But I-"

"No! Shush!"

I giggled at his stubbornness.

"Fine oppa." I said. "If you insist."

He smiled and I started looking at all the different ice cream flavors. After much thought, I decided on the cotton candy flavor, adding sprinkles.

"What are you gonna get oppa?" I asked him.

"Can I have some of your cotton candy?" He asked with a hopeful smile.

"Of course." I replied. "As long as I get some of your ice cream."

"Then I'll get strawberry." D.NK said.

"Oh yes!" I exclaimed.

D.NK and I told them our orders and D.NK gave them the cash. Once we got our ice creams, we sat outside to eat them.

"Thank you for buying mine for me oppa." I said while eating.

"Of course." He smiled. "I um, got you something by the way."

I watched him pull something out of his front pocket.

"Here." He said. "Happy birthday."

I held out my hand and he placed something in my hand. It was soft. I looked at it and screeched.

"OMO!" I exclaimed. "This is so cute!!"

It was a little shy bunny made out of cotten and felt.

It was a little shy bunny made out of cotten and felt

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"Did you make this?" I asked him.

"Yeah." He mumbled. "I hope it to be a good luck charm for you."

"For sure." I smiled. "It's cute. Thank you oppa."

I leaned over and gave him a hug. I noticed he hesitated but ended up hugging me anyway. As our hug broke, I could see his whole face was turning red. I giggled.

"You look kinda like your ice cream." I said.

He snickered and it made me giggle more. I was proud of my joke.

"Hey, remind me to put this on my phone case later at home, okay?" I said to him. "I don't want to lose it."

"Okay." He nodded with a smile.

We continued to chat, enjoying our ice creams, sharing them with each other. We were done by 3:15 and that's when we headed to the practice studio, after he asked me to come. I didn't question why, I just went with it.


We arrived at the practice studio and D.NK walked in first, me right behind him.

"Can you get the lights?" D.NK asked me.

I flicked on the lights and that's when I was bombarded by "HAPPY BIRTHDAY." All surrounding the practice room was my groupmates and close friends.

"OMO!" I shouted. I felt my eyes starting to tear up while I was smiling.

I looked around. They even invited my friends from other groups, as well as one person I really wanted to see.

"JB OPPA!" I shouted when I saw him.

I ran over and jumped in his arms, causing me to spin around as he picked me up.

"Happy Birthday Baby Sis." He said to me.

I felt myself start to cry as I looked into his eyes.

"Chungie~" He tisked, wiping the tears falling down my face. "Why are you crying?"

"I've missed you." I said to him.

"Aww." He coo'ed. "I missed you too."

We hugged each other tightly and I looked at everyone else who was there. I saw James standing beside his brother Jackson, as well as Scout and her brother BamBam with their arms around each other.

"It's just a great family reunion isn't it?" I said with a giggle.

"Thanks to you having your birthday." Scout said with a snicker.

I snickered too.

"Can we stop being emotional and get the party started?" Yugyeom asked.

I snickered but agreed. I cleared up my tears and they all cheered, putting on music. I spent the next few minutes greeting everyone then enjoyed my birthday party they threw for me. I had a blast and I had so many mixed emotions. It was overall a great birthday.

~Authors Note~

Hey guys! I found this kinda cute. Promotions did end so I'll have to start working towards their next comeback. However, I want your guys opinion for it so that's gonna be the question. Please answer it and I hope you guys enjoyed. See you soon. Biez!

Q. Should I have the next comeback be boys or girls? If I do boys, I would either do the group that hasn't debuted (7) but that was the last boy group, or I would add more members to it. For the girls, I would most likely do all 10 girls. Please let me know whether it should be the boys or girls that comeback next.

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