Chapter 34: Big News

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Kylie's P.O.V.

When I woke up, Harry and I were nuzzled together, legs intertwined, bare bodies pressed up against each other for warmth.

"Goodmorning babe," a raspy voice whispered in my ear while places soft love bites on my neck.

I gathered the sheets closest to my body as possible and spun around, facing Harry.

"Goodmorning," I whispered as I looked into his sparkling green eyes, placing a soft peck onto his perfectly shaped nose.

"Last night" Harry said as he laid on his back, bulging his eyes out, probably remincising on last night; the night we both really gave each other our hearts.

"Oh shut up Haz," I laughed as I slapped him on the side of his head causing his curls to bounce out of shape, then quickly bounce back.

"Ow!" Harry fake cried as he made a pouty face which faded back into a smile seconds later, "Wanna do it again?!" Harry asked as his eyes opened up with excitement.

"No you perv." I scrunched up my face in a jokingly disgusted way.

Harry pouted again, only this time I got up and left the room to hop in the shower. Paying no mind to the sad curly headed boy.


"Babe I think we should go out to breakfast today!" Harry said as he looked into the fridge revealing bare shelfs with nothing but milk and a bottle of ketchup.

I giggled and hopped off the stool to approach him. "You know? Maybe you should go groccery shopping more often." I teased.

Harry pulled me closer, grabbing my bum as he placed a long passionate kiss on my lips, while I tried to fight it, pulling away with all my might, causing him to place sloppy kisses all over my cheeks.

Finally, he gave in and let me go.

"Can I drive today?" I asked while holding the keys to his car.

With no discussion Harry quickly shook his head left to right indicating that it was a no go.

"C'mon Harry! Pleeease." I begged, enlongating the e's in my request.

"No. You drive so recklessly in England. You've only been living here for about a year and a half, and you've driven with me twice, both in which we almost ended up in an accident."

I pouted my bottom lip out while pretending to cry. After quickly getting over it, I said in my defense: "You know, I am turning 20 next week. You've gotta stop treating me more like your girlfriend and less like a child." I grabbed the keys and walked out the door.

He slowly trudged behind me as I hopped in the front seat turning the key into the ignition.

Jumping into the passenger side, Harry quickly said a prayer for us, making me react and slap him in the head.

"That's not nice." I said as I backed out of the driveway and headed off to breakfast.


Being out in public was always a difficulty for Harry and I. Paps would always swarm us, questioning our every move.

To avoid this, Harry called Paul Higgins otherwise known as One Direction's bodyguard to safely get us into the diner.

Both Harry and I looked down while Paul held all paparazzi and fans to the side. Of course Harry being the sweetheart he is, stopped to take a few pictures with his fans while thanking every one of them for coming out and apologizing to the ones he missed. Seeing Harry in this light made my heart melt, his fans were the one thing that kept him in line and always happy.

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