I had apparently been in my thoughts for too long because I was snapped back to reality by Kyoutani himself shaking my shoulder slightly saying,

"Emma are you alright? You were spacing out a lot."

I smiled faintly and nodded saying,

"Yeah sorry I got lost in thought, did I miss something?"

He seemed to relax a bit and spoke before anyone else could cut in saying,

"Nope, nothing."

We only stayed in that area a bit longer while we waited for the coach to show up. Once he did of course he made sure everyone was there, mainly the first years before he got the chance to see Kenta as well. Again another knowing glance was sent towards kyoutani, did everyone figure it out that fast as well? He had us all get on the bus in the same seats as before, unlike this morning though the guys were more awake. The coach didn't tell us where we were going to eat but he said we would like it, after we sat down kyoutani asked if I wanted to listen to music with him. I happily agreed and put the headphone in when he handed it to me, he had the other one in and started playing some of his music. I couldn't quiet tell what the song was but it had a good beat to it, by the look on his face I could tell this wasn't his usual playlist. He spoke saying,

"It's Korean, one of the first years recommended it a while ago its called Blue Orangeade by some group called TXT."

I hummed faintly nodded, see a guy that everyone pegged kyoutani as wouldn't listen to suggestions like that. I found myself zoning out a bit with the music quietly playing in the background and watching the scenery, I hadn't realized I was leaning against Kyoutani's shoulder again.

( Kyoutani's POV)

Once we got on the bus it almost surprised me that she would listen to the kind of music I listened to, of course I thought she wouldn't so I used one of the first years suggestions of something with a good beat too it. Thankfully they hadn't let me down and I let my normal playlist come on when I felt her lean on my shoulder again, but she was awake and smiling faintly. I felt my face getting red so I made myself look away, only to see Yahaba snickering and he said,

"Jeez kyoutani you're really red."

I glared slightly and said,

"You know the exact reason why. I told you everything that has been happening"

He nodded and looked over making sure she wasn't paying attention and said,

"When are you going to tell her?"

I knew the whole bus was probably listening but the way I looked at it, if I didn't tell her how I felt soon enough then the guys would try getting her attention.

"Tonight after dinner."

He seemed to nod in approval after that and said,

"It's a good improvement for you to show your emotions out in public like this kyoutani, we are all proud of you"

I saw Iwazumi-senpai nod from behind Yahaba and I was a bit surprised, the team was really trying to get us together.

Once we got to the restaurant we all started getting off the bus and the coach said he would watch Kenta for Emma, was he in on it too? She seemed reluctant to let him go but eventually she did. After she walked to the others I thanked him before going to catch up with her. The restaurant was a hibachi place and it seemed like we already had a reserved table. The team and Emma sat down so I went to take my seat, right next to her.

The teams table had conversations going on in little clusters, across the table, and in some cases right next to each other. It showed the team was still riding off the win of the practice match, and once the cook came over it made everyone even more energetic. In the midst of the chaos that could be known as Aoba Johsai's volleyball team I found myself watching Emma, I always found myself relaxing when I got the chance to watch her. She was the one girl who became a manager that actually paid attention to me, even outside of the team she took the time to go to a store to get the Hamima chicken I like..she had this grace to her of being kind and caring. She always seemed to care so much when we would do things that we tried so hard not to do, like my stealing spikes. She was like our guardian angel, making sure we function at our best.

I didn't realize at the time that me and Emma apparently were in a good position because Oikawa ended up moving away from the table and taking a picture of the two of us on his phone. I sighed softly just watching her for a bit while trying to calm my nerves. The end of dinner came way faster then anyone could predict, at least that's what it felt like, everyone was getting up and stretching out before making their way ourside. I managed to catch Emma's hand before she could walk away with the others and said,

"Can I talk to you? Like I said I wanted to earlier..?"

She smiled at me saying,

"Of course! I've been waiting to talk with you alone"

God that's adorable, I brought her outside and led her away from the others trying to ignore the fact that my heart was beating faster and the fact that my brain was still letting me know I hadn't let go of her hand yet. We stopped a little bit away and I took a deep breath before opening my eyes and wishing I hadn't, her eyes held this bright curiosity and almost eagerness to them, I almost forgot what I was going to say but I had come to terms with my feelings. She should know too.

"Emma....I...really like you...I wanted to be your boyfriend.."

Bad boys aren't always bad जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें