Giving him a beautiful smile of mine, I headed towards the kitchen and darn it, I was smiling like an idiot.

When I entered the kitchen, Dustin was already looking at me with something I couldn't make out.

"Who is that guy!?"
Just not getting any double senses, I answered still smiling, "A customer."
"Oh! Actually never saw you behaving that way to someone else before.", He said in venomous tone.

When realization dawned upon me, I looked at him, "Dustin, it's nothing like that. He is just a customer."
"What did he order!?"
"Magic Coffee....", I regretted the very second these words flew out of my mouth.

I never made this Magic Coffee for anyone else other than him, that day. I don't know what caused me to make it for him, but that seemed like the most natural thing I would do.

Even not for Dustin.
"Dustin...!", I turned to explain only to find him storming out of the kitchen.

The brightness of my mood was killed, and now I was sulking over the thought that I hurt Dustin.

In seconds the coffee was ready, and so I pour it in a coffee mug with a straw and left to serve him. Umm...Jaden.
When I came out, I met Miss Evangeline on the way, who was checking if everything's fine.

She was like a mother figure to me.
When I reached his table, he was busy in a call, and so I proceeded to keep the mug on his table without disturbing him.

As he felt me, he suddenly looked up and smiled.

What he did next was completely unexpected and uncalled.

He signalled me with his hand to take a seat before him.
No doubt, my eyes bulged out.

It was unexpected for sure and so desperately I looked here and there.
Then my eyes met Miss.Evangeline, who nodded reassuringly and signalled me to sit.

Getting permission, I proceeded to sit when halfway my eyes met Dustin's who was looking at me with a hurtful expression.

"Miss. Rose! Please take the seat.", He said to me, flashing me his most charming smile.
Without any second thoughts, I sat before him.

"Thank you Sir!"
"Call me Jaden...", He said with a smile.
I nodded hesitantly and I think he noticed that.
"Are you not comfortable!?", He instantly said with concern.

"No..I am!", I answered immediately, cutting the thought that I pair of eyes was constantly digging holes in me.
"Fine then... Actually I wanted to thank you..Miss.Rose."
"Huh!? For what sir...I mean Jaden.", A blush crept my cheeks as his name came out of me.
"You unknowingly prevented me from committing something, I would regret whole my life."

"And what is that!?", I wondered.

"Murder!", My eyes bobbed out.
"What!?", I was about to stand up when he kept his hand on mine.
"No no no! Murder...of my boss, who doesn't give me leave....", He uttered immediately.

My eyes narrowed with disbelief, and then suddenly, we both burst out laughing.
"Is it!? Thank God! By the way, I can kill your boss only if you allow.", I said playfully.
"Seriously! Please do that my Almighty. I'll be hell glad."
"You looked quite depressed that day. I thought it is may be a big issue, that you're asking me poison in the order.", He grinned at me, "Thank you that you didn't take me seriously."

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