Ch-14: Anything wrong?

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Author's POV:

That night Nancy just sits on the rooftop for a while and relaxes her mind. But jungkook's thought is still not going from her mind. However, she just passes some time there and went to her room. When she just entered the room and keeps her phone on the bed, she sees a message from an unknown number.

On the text:

"Looks like you are special to him."


"Scarlet. Now don't be angry or sad. There are many things to explain later, sweety."

"I don't want to hear the rest of it. It is going to be worse."

"Don't worry, it's nothing like you are thinking."

"I guess I will trust you for now."

"Yeah. This is the Nancy which I always knew. Btw, what's going on with you and jungkook?"

"It's probably nothing. And how did you see us?"

"Uh...that doesn't matter. But jungkook doesn't behave so well with some new girl."

"Whatever. Now give me a break. I want to sleep now."

"Ok, buddy. See you later. Good night."

"Good night."

End of text.

Nancy felt somehow relaxed after talking to scarlet and had a good sleep.

Jungkook POV:

After saying goodnight to her I go to my room and sit on the bed. I ruffle my hair lightly out of frustration. What did I just do? I wasn't supposed to be this close to her. I just don't know what happened to me but it just felt like I was addicted to her and just couldn't control myself. I better stay away from her for a while and control myself around her.

End of jungkook POV.

Next morning:

Nancy gets up from sleep and stretches her arms while yawning. She gets up from her bed and does her daily routine. She wears a random outfit from the closet and does a simple high ponytail.

 She wears a random outfit from the closet and does a simple high ponytail

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Stuck in the hidden horizon\ A J.Jk fanfic [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now