1| Install

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i been single 4 years and all my friends are ether getting married or being relationship as me single,I live with my best friend Tristan also we work together we in a band called the vamps

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i been single 4 years and all my friends are ether getting married or being relationship as me single,I live with my best friend Tristan also we work together we in a band called the vamps.

Yes we see each other all the time and we decided to live together.

I walk out my room and I see Tristan and some of our mates in the kitchen and they cheer when they saw me.

"Hey brad we going out wanna come?"Tristan asked.

"And what watch drunk girls pour themselves on us and watch you drunkly try to pull girls?"I say.

"Yeah."Tristan shrugs.

"Give me 10 minutes to get ready."I say as I leave to get changed.

I take a quick shower then after I was done I wrap my towel around my waist as I try to look for a outfit, I give my outfit and put them on my bed and went to fix my hair.i put on my after shave then fix my hair.

After I was done I go to my room and put on my outfit for tonight, blue cuffed jeans and my black and white strip shirt along with my doc marten shoes, after I was done and I walk in the living room and where they are having pre drinks.

"Oh good taxi here."josh said and we all leave.


We made it to the bar and show the guy our ID then we went in.

After 30 minutes here we already took five shots and had three beers and four girls try to get us to go home with them.

"Hey she looks hot."Matt saids as he points to a girl with brown hair and black jeans and white shirt on with boots.

"Brad you should go for it, she looks like your type."josh saids.

"Nah I'm good."I say.

"Oh come on just go try, she looks single and maybe she likes to have some fun."Matt wiggle his eyebrows.

"Yeah she does if you don't go I think I will because she's hot."josh bites his lip and I roll my eyes.

"Come on how you know she's  single?"I asked and they shrug.

"Who's single?"Tristan asked.

"The girl with the brown hair and black jeans."I say and he looks at her and smile.

She looks hot."Tristan saids and I nod.

"You know what? fuck it I go for it."I put my drink down and walk towards the beautiful girl.

"Hi can I have this dance?"I asked and she looks at me with a bored smile.

"And what expect me to sleep with you because I'm not."America voice comes out of her mouth and I was taken back by rudeness.

"No..No I-"

"You were,so let me tell you something here I'm not going to sleep with just for you to tell you're friends you pulled one."the American girl said.

"excuse my friend she's had a bit too much to drink sorry, come on violet." This blonde Britain female apologizes and walks away with the beautiful brunette.

I walk away from the bar very amused with the girl I talked to.

"Didn't go well."Alex said and I shake my head no with a smile.

"Well I'm glad you're happy about it."Tristan pats my back.

"Josh mate get off you're booty call app."Alex said and josh roll his eyes.

"I'm not on anbooty call,it's just tinder."josh saids and I laugh tinder is got to be a weird way to meet someone.

"Brad you should get tinder and meet someone on there."Tristan saids and I frown.

"No way mate people will just use me on there."I scoff.

"No come on just be you and you can tell which one is real or not,plus some of my Mates who are famous go on there and they meet their soulmate maybe you can too."Tristan saids and I do know some people too.

"I think about it but for now I call it a early night bye boys."I say and they boo at me as I walk away.

I get in the taxi and play on my phone then I stumble cross tinder.

You can tell if they're fake.


Violet P.O.V

"Did you have to be a bitch to him."Jackie roll her eyes at me.

"Yes I have to be a bitch to him and if I'm honest I just want to go back home and look at my window and see  rainy cloudy London."I scoff and Jackie sighs.

"You're 22 and young just live life please,I mean I know you're writing and that's why you're here but please hangout with me like I know you love me."Jackie saids and I pull her in a hug.

I'm sorry I love you."I say with a smile and she hugs tighter.

"I love you too Vi, now come on let's go dance."Jackie pulls me on the dance floor.

"You know that Guy who tried talking to you looked cute, why don't go found him."Jackie suggested.

"I couldn't really tell if he was cute I didn't get a good look,it's dark in here."I frown and she shrug.

"Well there's a bunch of cute guys so why don't you pull tonight?"Jackie said.

"Shouldn't you say,you're tinder boy toy is cute instead of drunk guys?"I tried to change the subject.

"He's not a boy toy,he's actually the love of my life thank you ve-wait you should install tinder."Jackie said excitedly.

"What no way there's to many fakes."I say rolling my eyes.

"No there isn't Jamie is real and we love each other and met on the app,beside you would know which one is fake and whose real."Jackie saids.

"I don't know jack."I say.

"Will think about it,now come I'm getting tried and the bar is getting crazier."Jackie said as we walk out the bar.

We get in a taxi and I pull out my phone and stumble a cross tinder,I sign before pressing.

The first few chapters are going to suck but wait! It gets good i promise

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