|•|Chapter 3|•|

Începe de la început

He walked over to the bath tub, setting Willow down to sit on the edge of it, then went over to one of the cabinets, opening it, and taking out a first-aid kit.

Jin kneeled down in front of the black haired female, setting the first-aid kit down next to him and taking out what he needed.

"We're going to have to remove your hoodie and shirt so I can treat your wound properly, and to make sure that the bullet isn't in it," He said.

Willow stared at him. Eyes wide and a blush dusting over her nose and cheeks.

Jin took in the look on her face before giving out a light chuckle.

"It's alright. I promise I'm not going to try anything, I just want to take care of that injury of yours. You have my word as a Hybrid."

Willow relaxed. She was surprised that he gave her his word so easily, because being given a Hybrids word was serious and not to be taken lightly.

She nodded in understanding, giving him her consent.

Jin nodded as well and, with the females help, they got her hoodie and shirt off of her body with little to no trouble, and without hurting her shoulder too much.

He then took a damp wash cloth and gently cleaned Willow's shoulder of the dry blood.

Jin smiled and said "We're in luck. The bullet went straight through, so we don't have that to worry about."

He then took some cotton balls, put a bit of alcohol on them, and dabbed the wound to prevent any infection.

Willow hissed at the sharp sting from the alcohol.

"Sorry," Jin apologized.

Once that was done, he grabbed some gauze and placed them on both sides of her shoulder where the bullet entered and exited. He finished by wrapping it to keep the gauze in place.

"There," Said Jin as he finished and packed everything away. "I'll need to make you a make shift sling to ensure that you won't move that arm too much so it can heal."

A few knocks came from the bathroom door.

"Yes?" Jin asked, taking the first-aid kit and putting it up.

"Hyung? Its Jimin" Came the reply.

"Come in," Jin answered, then quickly looked at Willow and said "Don't worry, he won't try anything either."

Willow nodded, embarrassed by the fact that not only one male Hybrid has seen her half naked, but now two?!

Granted she was wearing a bra, but still!

The door opened revealing the cute baby pink haired Hybrid.

"Ah, Jimin, would it be alright if Willow here could borrow some of your clothes?"

Jimin just stood there in the doorway, unmoving.

It wasn't until Jin cleared his throat that the young male seemed to come back to his senses, a light blush dusting his cheeks in embarrassment.

"Oh! Uh, sure Hyung. I'll be right back" Jimin said, before quickly leaving.

Jin let out a sigh.

"That boy," He said, turning back to Willow. "Although I can't say that I blame him, you are a cutie."

Willow's blush grew darker hearing him say that, and him smiling at her didn't really help either!

"Alright then," Jin began saying, as he opened the door under the sink, bringing out a nice fluffy looking towel. "Let's get you dried off. We'll start with your hair seeing as its still wet and dripping water."

He approached her and knelt down in front of her so that they were eye level.

His eyes landed on the bow that sat on top of the female's head.

"Oh! Here, let's take this off" He said, reaching for the bow.

Willow jerked away from him, only to hiss in pain as the sudden movement jolted her injured shoulder. She didn't want him to know.

Jin was a bit surprised by the female's sudden action. His surprised look then turned into a serious one.

"Please do not do that again, you'll make your injury worse" He said sternly. "Now, I'm going to remove your bow so I can dry your hair better."

He reached forward again.

Willow squeezed her eyes shut. This is it.

He untied the bow.

He was gonna find out.

She felt the bow loosen and slip off.

How will he react?

A light gasp came from the males lips.

There, on the top of Willow's head where the bow had been, sat a pair of fluffy black cat ears.

Willow slowly opened her eyes. The room had become silent. The main sound coming from the storm outside.

She looked at Jin who hadn't spoken since he had removed the bow. The look on his face mainly showed shocked silence, but it also showed that he was a bit surprised as well.

Quick, heavy, footsteps made their way from the bedroom and into the bathroom. A still angry Namjoon entering.

"The hunters are gone. Now its time for you to...." Namjoon stopped mid-sentence, his eyes landing on the cat ears on top of Willow's head.

His anger quickly diminished, and replaced itself with the same look as Jin's.

Great. Now three male Hybrids have seen her half naked.

Willow's heart was pounding so hard she felt like it would jump right out of her chest.

Another pair of footsteps could be heard coming through the bedroom to the bathroom.

Jimin came in carrying some clothes.

"Here are the clothes you asked for Hyung. I picked out the most comfortable ones for her!" He said with a smile.

Jimin then noticed the fluffy black cat ears on top of Willow's head.

His smile grew a bit bigger, he said "Oh hey! Your a Hybrid too!"

"She's not a Hybrid Jimin," Namjoon said, causing the young male to look at him in confusion.

"He's right Jimin," Said Jin, catching his attention. "She's not a Hybrid."

Jimin looked back and forth between his two elders, a bit more confused than he already was.

"Ok? So, if she's not a Hybrid, then what is she?" He asked.

Jin answered his question with three simple words.

"She's a Faunus."

Word count: 1402

Hey everyone! So here it is! Up on my new account!! And to those who are new to this story, I hope you all enjoy it 😊

And I will try and have chapter 4 up as soon as I can/when I am able to.

Thanks everyone!


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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Apr 08, 2019 ⏰

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