• T R E S •

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~ S A V A N N A H ~
It had been a couple of weeks since me and Kimberly started school. So far, other then the incident from our first day, school had been completely fine and normal. However, I couldn't help but always feel like I was being watched. At school, at home, at the store, anywhere I went I had the feeling. At first I thought I was just being paranoid but then I noticed that in school a group of people would always stare at me. I had English class with all of them and would notice the way they looked at me, along with learning their names. There was Lydia Martin, Stiles Stilinski, Theo Raeken, Allison Argent,  Issac Lahey, and Scott McCall. I had informed Kimberly of this, and let's just say she went into bad shit crazy protective mode.

"It wasn't that bad," Kimberly mutters making me look towards my left where she sat. "You got after school suspension!" I exclaim before running back to my laptop continuing to write in my journal. My therapist decided that it would be helpful for me if I wrote what was going on in my life. I clear my throat sending a glare at Kimberly before continuing to type in what I had left to enter. Although I loved her, she could be a tad bit dramatic but I guess that's what you have to deal with in order to have a caring best friend. "You forgot to add sexy-," I cut Kimberly off with a slap to the shoulder as I save the log and exit the app, turning off the laptop and standing up as the bell rings indicating that lunch was over.

     "Did you ever find out where those flowers in your locker came from?" Kim asks and I shake my head. "Nope but I do have a suspicion as to who it was," I say. A couple days ago, I had opened my locker to reveal a flower bouquet of tulips, my favorite flower. "The stalkers?" She questions her eyebrows raised and I nod. We reach my class and stop near the doorway.  "Their really starting to annoy me," she says. "I know, I just want to know what their problem is, but I'm gonna ask if they gave me the flowers," I state. "Alright, I'll see you later," Kim says leaving to her class. Walking in, I sit down in my seat as other students enter as well. Soon class is starting and as the teacher turns to the board, I turn to Stiles. "Look, I don't know what you and your friends problem is with me but how the hell do you know my favorite flowers and my locker combination?" I whisper.

     He looks at me confused. "I-i don't know what your talking about," he says making me narrow my eyes at him. "The bouquet of Tulips in my locker? Look I don't care if you guys stare at me but that is going to far," I say. "I never put any flowers in your locker, none of us did," he says and I can tell he was genuinely confused. I turn confused. "Was there a note with it?" Scott asks having turned around to us. "Yea," I say opening my backpack and pulling it out. I had it to him and he opens it, Lydia peering over and reading it with him. "No one knows your locker combination?" He asks. "Just my best friend but she didn't do it," I state.

    The three share a look and I look at them suspiciously. "Listen Savannah, I need you to come to my house after school," Scott says. "Yea I'm totally going to go to your house when you and your friends have been stalking me ever since I got here," I deadpan. I mean did they seriously think I was going to do that? "Loo-," Stiles  gets interrupted. "Mr. Stilinski, Mr. McCall, Ms, Martin, Ms. Ramirez, do I need to separate you four?" Ms. Blake asks giving us a deadly glare. "No we'll be quiet, sorry for interrupting your lesson Ms. Blake," Lydia sends her a smile as she looks at us for a bit before continuing her lesson. "Just come to my house," Scott says handing me a pierce of paper before him and Lydia pay attention to our teacher. I roll my eyes slipping the paper into my pocket. I would as Kimberly later on what to do.
WC: 751

Strawberries | McCall Pack + Theo + DerekWhere stories live. Discover now