I glared at him.

"Two weeks ago." I mumbled.

"Exactly! See you so like her!" He stated like it was a fact.

"I do not! Look, I'm merely curious and I may make her my next victim as you like to call them so screw off and let me continue my observation." I growled softly.

"Oh my god, do you even know her name?" Kevin questioned me with a teasing shocked face.

"Yes! Her names....Claudia." I stated.

"No it's not." Kevin said in a duh tone.

"Oh really? Then what do you think her name is then, asshat?" I glared. He smirked.

"Her name is Jenna Frome, she's ya main good girl at this school and she has never dated, ever." He empathized the 'ever' and my heart fluttered at the thought of a guy not even touching her.

"How do you..?"

"I did some research last week. You know, when I noticed my friend out right staring at this random chick. You know she's not very private on Instagram." He smirked.

"You piece of shit." I muttered as I glared at him. He simply shrugged.

"Hey, what are best friends for? Just remember that maybe I'll need you." He winked. I rolled my eyes.

"First of all I didn't need you, and second, of course I'll always be there for you bud." I said as we did the bro hug.

"That's right, bros before hoes." He grinned. I nodded but I didn't completely agree with that phrase.

"You know what dude? I'm gonna go the extra mile for you." He smiled.

"Wait hold up, what are you doing?" I questioned with a frown.

"You'll thank me later."

He then pretended to tip an invisible top hat and then walked away.

Straight towards Jenna and her friends.

Oh shit!

Jenna's POV

"First of all, you cannot wear a skirt to a concert!" Mikayla stated.

"Why not? I have a really cute black one that would look killer on my me at the concert!" Kassidy whined.

"Because A, perverts could reach up your skirt. B, it could fly up and expose the thong everyone knows your gonna wear and C, common sense." Mikayla rolled her eyes.

"Huh, I don't see a problem." Kassidy shrugged. I snickered as the two continued bickering.

"Excuse me ladies but may I have a word?" Someone's voice confidently boomed.

I noticed Kassidy stiffen slightly but I ignored it as we all turned to face the voice.

I mentally rolled my eyes.

It was Kevin Van Claude, Caleb's best friend and Co leader of their group.

"What do you want, Kevin?" Bella asked with a glare.

"Well, someone isn't feeling very happy this morning, is it your time?" He asked with obvious fake concern.

Now all of us were glaring at him.

"Why don't you screw off and stop being rude." Milayla growled.

"Awe, do the goody goody's not swear? I should of expected this but for some reason it slipped my mind." Kevin shrugged, the permanent smirk etched on his face.

"Just because we don't swear, doesn't mean we're goody goody's, it shows character and maturity. Unlike you and your stupid friends. Now if you'll excuse us, we were having a wonderful conversation without you. So ta ta sir." I fake saluted him and as if on Que. all four of us spun around and began talking, completely ignoring him.

"Well, how rude! And here I was gonna help you, Jenna." He stated with fake offence.

Now his last sentence interested me.

I turned around and fought the curiosity that desperately wanted to etch itself on to my face.

"And how, pre tell, were you gonna help me?" I asked with a bored voice.

"Well, I've noticed your love life has been pretty none existent lately and-"

"Hold it, I don't want to date you." I stated with pure disgust.

"Oh no, not me. You see my-" he didn't get to finish his sentence before a hand slammed over top of his mouth.

"Please excuse the stupidity of my friend and forget everything he has just said." Caleb apologized.

Wait, did the bad boy just....apologize? No. Way. Someone call the media!

"Already done." Kassidy stated with a smirk. Kevin frowned at her.

"Uh, I was actually interested in what he was saying." I said with a frown towards Caleb.

He stated at me for a second, an emotion in his eyes that I had never seen before but it disappeared as fast as it came.

"I'm sorry but if you didn't know, he's an idiot, so I ask you to ignore him and forget what he said." Caleb stated before turning and dragging Kevin away with him.

"That was weird." Mikayla frowned curiously.

"Definitely..." I mumbled. As I turned away from their retreating figures.

Cheater ones re write is done! I like this so much better then the original! I'm so sorry for this inconvenience and promise that none of my other books will be like this! Thank you and I hope you like this.

Anyway if you have no idea what I'm talking about because you're new to my book, well I'm updating the original because I didn't like how I wrote it, above this is the new part that I like better. Sorry if the book from now on is a bit different but I'll be trying to re write each chapter once a day, so it may not be so different.

Thanks for dealing with all this ish.

Bye ma lovelies!💕

- Tarryn

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