Chapter Fourteen: Something Is Wrong

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"Is it alright if we go to that Barbecue place on main street?" I asked Aaron once we'd piled everyone into his car. "My brother works there. I need to talk to him and I figured we could take out two birds with one stone."

"Yeah, that's fine." He said, starting the car. The look in his eyes silently asked if I was going to talk to him about Ben. I nodded subtly.

"Does Barbecue sound good to you guys?" I asked, looking at the kids in the back.

"Yeah!" They all shouted. While trying to get them into the car, the girls were arguing about who got to sit next to Jack, when Jack so adorably offered to sit in the middle so that they could both sit by him. I am beyond impressed with that kid.

"Alright!" Aaron exclaimed. I was glad that he was here. I know if the girls didn't have other things to focus on, they would notice that something was wrong. I looked out the window, running through the story that I would tell my brother in my head. I hadn't even noticed that I was nervously bouncing my leg until Aaron's hand came down on top of my knee. I stopped, shocked at the sudden feeling of his warm hand against the skin that was exposed by my skirt. I squeezed my eyes shut. Aaron must've thought this was because of him because he lifted his hand slightly to move it, but I grabbed his fingers, stopping him. He relaxed, putting his hand back down. I grabbed it, looping my fingers through his so that my palm was pressed flat against the back of his hand. He ran his thumb over my pinky in some attempt to calm me down.


When we got to the restaurant, Aaron took the kids to the table and I went immediately to find Jackson. I walked back up to the podium at the front door.

"Do you know if Jackson Bartlett is working today?" I asked the hostess.

"Yeah, I think so. Let me go get him." I nodded and she left, going back into the kitchen. I wrapped my arms around myself, looking around and trying not to let my panic show on my face.

"Lizzie, hey." I looked up as my brother came out of the back, adorned in his uniform red polo and khakis. He was four years younger than me. He noticed instantly that something was wrong. "Whoa, is everything ok?"

"No." I said, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"What's going on?" He questioned.

"Ben showed up at my apartment earlier." His eyes widened.

"I thought we made it clear that his decision meant to stay away from you and the girls." He said. I nodded.

"We did. But apparently, after four years, he's decided he doesn't care."

"Well, did-did anything happen? Did he try to hurt you?"

"No, nothing like that. Even if he had, luckily I was watching one of my students, who's Dad is a profiler. He just happened to show up to pick him up when Ben was there. He told him he was my boyfriend and that seemed to get rid of him, but that doesn't mean he won't be back."

"Well, what did he want?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"To see the girls," I said. "But I said no, and like what...what if he tries to take them?"

"Then it would be kidnapping. He gave full custody to you, he is not within the legal right to see them, much less take them."

"But that's just it, what if he does kidnap them? I don't know what he wants, or what is going on, I just..." He put his hands on my shoulders.

"Its ok. We're gonna figure all of this out, ok?" I nodded. "Are you here by yourself?"

"No, I'm here with the girls, the Profiler, and his son. He thought going out to dinner would help take my mind off of it."

"Ok, go back to the table with the kids and tell him to come over here. I want to talk to him." I nodded again, walking back to the table.

"Is everything alright?" Aaron asked as I sat down beside him.

"Yeah, its fine. Um my brother is over by the door, he wants to talk to you. I'll stay with the kids." He nodded, touching my back as he stood up, walking back to the front. I turned back to the kids, who were drawing on the kids place mats they had gotten. Sadie giggled, pointing to something Jack had drawn, and he giggled too. Charlotte was watching me."Why aren't you coloring sweetie?" I asked her.

"Something is wrong." She said quietly. "Mommy, you're upset." I shook my head.

"Mommy isn't upset, sweetie. I'm just tired, ok? That's all?"

"Why is Mr. Hotchner talking to Uncle Jackson?" She asked.

"Mr. Hotchner is my friend, and Uncle Jackson wanted to meet him. That's all." I said. She smiled, buying the story and going back to coloring. I turned around, looking at Aaron and Jackson. Aaron was nodding, a serious expression on his face that I recognized as his 'FBI' face. Whatever they were talking about was serious. They both looked at me, and I offered them a scared smile before turning back to the kids. After a moment Aaron came back, sitting down beside me. 

"What did he want?" I whispered.

"He's worried too," He said, whispering in my ear. "He thinks it would be a good idea if I stayed at your place for the night, and quite frankly, I agree. Is that alright with you?"

"I'm certainly not going to argue." I said.

"Hey Jack," Aaron said, "How do you feel about another sleep over with Charlotte and Sadie?"

"Where are you going, Daddy?" He asked.

"I'm not going anywhere, buddy. I'm staying too. We're both going to stay with Ms. Bartlett and Charlotte and Sadie."

"Yay!" He said cheerfully.

"It'll be like a giant sleepover!"  Sadie said, throwing her hands up into the air. 

"Yes it will, and we are going to have a great time." I said, forcing a smile. Aaron put his hand on my knee underneath the table, and I grabbed his hand again.

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