Día de Muertos - Damon

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You tell them who your father is

"No Kat, No!" I say as I am driving me and Katherine to the boarding house "Why not it'll be fun to see them squirm" She says and I laugh "As much fun as that'll be

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"No Kat, No!" I say as I am driving me and Katherine to the boarding house
"Why not it'll be fun to see them squirm" She says and I laugh
"As much fun as that'll be. I am not telling them about my dear father" I say as we make a turn into the drive way
"I say this out of love. You are no fun!" She says and we park and head out the car and to the door.
"Look I will tell him soon ok? They hate it already that I'm friends with you. Imagine how they will react when I tell them I am the daughter of-"
"Ladies" we are interrupted by Stefan opening the door. "Lovely to see you Y/n" he says to me and kissed my cheek "mythic bitch" he says to Katherine 
"Hi hero hair" she says winking at him them linking into my arm and walking int the living room where the others are. We see them with drinks in their hand and they are sitting in a circle by the fire. I hear Katherine scoff and I nudge her hard in the ribs
"Behave" I say as I walk over the girls and hug them, when I reach Damon I give him a quick peck on the lips.
"Hi" I say to him and he moves making room for both me and Katherine

"Hi" I say to him and he moves making room for both me and Katherine

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"How was work he asks" and I sigh
"Just getting ready for court. My client is very nervous and I keep reassuring him I will get him out of there. James was stressing about a new but of evidence against him has come out so we are trying to find a away around it" I say as me and Kat get handed drinks by Damon
"How is he handing his first case?" Elena asks
"Well for a new graduate, but I think he is slightly struggling with such a high profile case but he will survive. This will be god for his career as well" I say. I look at Kat who is giving me an I am bored look so I say
"Anyway, whats the plan?" I say

"We were playing never have I ever but now we were thinking of truth or dare" Bonnie said and I nod
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realise I was surrounded by teenagers" Katherine says and I give her a death glare
"Si no te comportas, le enviaré después de it y nunca verás la luz del día" (if you don't behave I will send him after you and you will never see the light of day)I say to her and she reluctantly nods
"Was That Spanish?" Damon said and I nod noticing everyone's confused expressions
"My father taught me Spanish from a very young age and he wouldn't speak to me in English so I'm fluent" I say sharing a look with Katherine.
"How come you never told us before?" Elena asks and Katherine groans
"no one wants you here so just leave" Jeremy says and she smirks at him and I say
"Right who's going first?" Then Matt speaks up
"Elena truth or dare"

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