Chapter Nine: Of Course

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For the second time that day...I sat in the corner of a crime scene and watched as someone I had talked to mere moments ago lie dead in front of my very eyes. So many emotions were running through me. Sadness, fear, deja vu...and worry. Three people were dead, and so far, I had been the first one on the scene of two different murders. It would take an idiot not to see how sketchy that looks.

Agent Prentiss walked over to me, sitting down beside me on the floor, our backs against the wall.

"You don't think I did this, do you?" I asked, looking up at her.

"No, of course not. You were on a plane when Principal Given's died, there wasn't enough time between when Hotch dropped you off and when you found Chelsea, and I was with you when Jerry was killed. You have a solid alibi for all three murders." I shook my head.

"Why is it me?" I asked. "Why do I keep discovering the bodies? I've seen two of my classmates die in one day, and the only other time I experienced anything close to that was..." I trailed off. "It feels like its happening all over again."

"We're going to get to the bottom of this...I swear." She said. I nodded and my phone started to ring. Dad was calling. I gave Agent Prentiss one last look before standing up and answering the phone.


"Oh my gosh, Lizzie, thank God. I have been trying to get a hold of you all day! Its all over the news, you told me you would come home if something happened-"

"Dad, its ok." I told him. "One of my student's father is an FBI agent. I've been with the FBI since the moment I landed. I'm safe, I swear."

"Come home. Lizzie, please come home, do not stay there with that killer-"

" know I can't do that." 

"I know...but I'm still going to beg as hard as I can."

"Dad...please understand why I can't just leave. The last time-"

"The last time was not your fault. It was no one's fault but that psychopath Randy Slade, and just like it wasn't your fault then, its not your responsibility now."

"Dad, I'm a key component in the case now. I can't just leave. You of all people should understand how this works."

"Just...I just wish I had some way of knowing that you'd be safe over there." I thought about for a moment.

"That student's dad that I metnioned?" I asked.

"Yeah, what about him?"

"He's Aaron Hotchner." There was a moment of silence on the other line.

"Aaron Hotchner?" He repeated. "Hotch?"

"Yes, Dad. I'm in good hands, I promise.'

"Ok...ok, just be careful. Don't go anywhere alone and remember everything I ever taught you growing up about self defense."

"I remember Dad. I should really go."

"Ok. I love you. We all do." I nodded.

"Oh, actually wait. Can I talk to the girls?"

"Charlotte! Sadie! Mom's on the phone." There was some rustling and then I heard their voices.

"Mommy?" Charlotte asked. I smiled, her voice sending a sense of releif washing over me.

"Hi, baby." I greeted.

"Mommy, is everything ok?" I always knew that kids notice more than we ever anticipate but...I was constantly amazed at how perceptive my girls were, Charlotte especially.

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