Chapter 6

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November 17 11:09 AM
It's been over two weeks now. In the past 30 days, I've met a prophecy woman, fought with demons unfamiliar to me, lost the prophecy woman, witnessed a seemingly cold and heartless, familiar demon break down, and I fell on my face yesterday.
I was doing my usual thing, snooping around the internet, watching perves jack off and spamming their devices, being the perve and watching chicks who were none the wiser to my existence. Slenderman had once again sent all of us to train. Jack has finally been getting back. He's extremely short tempered, as if he wasn't enough before. We have tried to send people to go and see if they can at the very least get a visual on (Y/n). No one has come back successful though. On the other hand, we haven't seen Lou in a while. She disappeared the night (Y/n) was kidnapped. No one's seen even a trace of her.
Speaking of dogs, I thought, when was the last time Lilo showed up? I quickly jumped streams. Green numbers and letters zoomed past me as I navigated myself through an otherwise black pit. How do I navigate this you may ask? Well, plot convenience that's how! Actually, no yea I just can. I'm Ben for fucks sake!
      Anyways, I had reached a familiar screen that showed up as a passed by countless others. It gave me a clear view into (Y/n)'s room. I could see Lilo on (Y/n)'s bed, sleeping peacefully. Another note I should add is that I can't hear much on this side of reality. If I can hear, it's pretty muffled. Anyways, Lilo was sleeping and I was just about to jump through when I saw a figure moving in her room. It was a lady, presumably her mom, shifting through drawers and looking through the closet. She looked stressed. I watched as she tore the room apart, her eyes frantically searching. By the time she left the room, it had been completely ravaged. I quietly came out of what I found to be an open computer. The screen had an image that gave me dejavú. I could've sworn that I had seen it before. The background was red and it had what looked like a black eye with the pupil the same color as the background. The black circle was slightly designed, I guess you could say. It had some sort of spikes at the top, s crooked design on either side, and the bottom of it seemed to drip. Confused but brushing it off, I make my way towards Lilo. The moment I reach the bed, this tiny hotdog goes wild. In an attempt to calm her down, I reach over and try to pick her up. The second I get near her, she chomps down on my index finger. "Ow! Bitch!" I yell. Not the best idea as I heard footsteps outside the door. Throwing everything else out the window, I grab the rabid chihuahua and bolt into the computer. As she floats in the endless sea of codes with me, she finally calms down and I watch (Y/n)'s mom. However instead of acknowledging the missing dog, she yells into a phone. Me being me, I decide to listen in just a little bit.
     "Yes I know but there has to be," her voice fades slightly and I can't hear what she says. "He took her. I just know it! That's why she disappeared the last two times!" Once again her voice fades slightly and Lilo is slightly getting adjusted to me. "Well if not, I'll find out who did! Look, maybe it's my fault for getting banned from his realm, I know I'll never be able to access it. Hell, I'll die before I make it. But I just don't see any other way," she fades out. "Like hell I will!" She shouts. "I will not ask someone else, especially some stupid creepy-whatever-they're-called!" I roll my eyes and at this point, just make my way home.

3:16 PM
       I got home to the mansion with Lilo about an hour ago. She's been in my room the whole time. It's just now that I think Jack might want to see her.
     Rushing down the hall, I pound on his door. "Jack!" I yell. After a second, he opens the door.
     "What the fuck do you-" he stops when the tiny dog starts barking at him. "Where the fuck did you-"
     "(Y/n)'s." I say quickly. Jack slightly chuckled as he picked up the small, slightly annoying, sausage.
"Come in here real quick." Jack said as he motioned into his room.
The once tidy and organized room was now a disheveled mess. It was a far cry from the way I know Jack liked to keep it.
    Once in, he leads me to a table on the side. "What's this?" I ask.
    "A plan. At least the starting of one." he explains.
   "Fucking, invade Chili's and over throw the CEO. To get (Y/n) back you nitwit."
   "Aw, the Chili's thing sounded kinda fun though." I groaned.
   "Focus," Jack says putting Lilo down, "If we could somehow figure out where she is, we could plan a direct route to her."
   "Oh yea, 'cause that worked the last time. I bet if we just show up with some tea and crumpets they'll let us waltz right in and tell us where she is. And while we're at it, we'll invite them over for Thanks-fucking-giving!" Jack flicks my head.
   "We know he has some guards that sit around and do nothing. We steal a suit, parade around like our shit don't stink, and in the process, find her."
    "And what happens when we do?"
    "Well, I've been trying to think but, I don't think any of the plans I have work." Jack trails off.
   "Well, when u figure it out, let me know!" I hum as I get to his door and Lilo follows. As I walk out I look at him once more, "We could always just invade the underworld!" I say jokingly and shut the door behind me. It almost seems like a fun idea. Almost.

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