Chapter 1

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"How the fuck you do this Hucho? Damn man" Quavo's manager Jared fussed at him as he walked back and forth.

Quavo ran his hand down his face and sighed. He didn't know how the fuck he did this but he knew he had to do something.

"You really went out and fucked Remeroe's Daughter and now he won't put you on his show, Quavo this is a solo Album not a Migo's. Remeroe is the biggest talk show now, and when Da baby do the interview he gonna blow through the sky and people aren't going to care about your Album" Quavo sighed and leaned back, he didn't give a fuck about that man or his daughter he just wanted a nut.

"Can't you fix this?" He looked at Quavo with a stank face and rolled his eyes "whatever nigga I'm on it" Quavo smiled and dapped him up.

"That's why you my nigga"

"Yea yea, but don't say shit if it's something you don't wanna do" He nodded his head and grabbed his phone, for one he was hungry as a bitch and two he just wanted to go lay up with his dog Tyson.

He hopped in his car and put his hood on and shades not wanting to draw the attention of fans and others outside of the big building.

he put his aux in and played his new shit "workin me", he went to 'big mama's house of soul' and went straight to the back. He was a regular here and big mama always made sure he enjoyed his meal in private. She was just like a grandma to him, she loved him very deeply.

"boy, what you doing here so early?"

"well hey to you to big mama" he said hugging her and kissing her cheek

"its 9:30am what you want?"

"some breakfast"

"you get on my damn nerves boy I swea" she fussed rolling her eyes and going to cook his food while he sat in her office.





"yess bitch that is it im telling you" Kehlani hyped as Saweetie modeled her outfit for this photo shoot for the cover of her new album.

"you really like it?"

"yes i love it" suddenly Saweetie phone started to go off.

"this my manager i have to take this" she walked in the dressing room and answered the call.

"Wassup Pebbles talk to me" she said to her manager, ever since she found out she was gay she referred to her as 'fruity pebbles'.

"I just had another manager reach out to me, and they have a deal for us" this made saweetie more interested.

"Okay what is it"

"Well with you being up and coming wanting to be out there a little more than you already are and his client needing a little shine for his album right now, he wanted to make you guys a 'fake couple' you know to get the fans all excited"

"So basically a publicity stunt?" She said scrunching up her face.

"EXACTLYYYY" pebbles said laughing trying lighten the mood, she could hear the uncertainty in her voice and she did not need that.

"Mmm, i don't know this might need a little more convincing"

"Babe, listen to me. You need this, just last night in the meeting you were talking about winning Grammys, in order for that you need to want this. I'm not asking you to sleep with the guy" sweeetie twisted her lips

"Who is he?"

"I don't know his name but I saw a picture of him he is FINEEEE"

"Alright, set up a meeting so we can meet if we hit it off as friends then we will see" Pebbles smiled

"Great, ttyl boo" they got off the phone and Saweetie went back to picking out outfits.

Once she found the one she knew she liked, her and Kehlani left and went to get something to eat. They walked out of the store and walked down the street to get some Jewelry.

5 hours later

Saweetie was in her car on the way to the meeting, pebbles had called and let her know that they were ready for her, she just hoped that this whole thing didn't back fire or anything because she needs a little more shine.

She pulled up to the building and cut off her car, she walked in and seen pebbles sitting in the lobby.

"Hey boo, good to see you" they embraced eachother in a hug.

"Hey so what's up? What we doing?"

"Well they are on the top floor in a room and we're going to meet them right now"


They got on the elevator and went up to the top floor, Saweetie couldn't lie like she wasn't nervous. Things like this just wasn't normal.

They got the meeting room and the door opened everyone looked up. Saweetie laid eyes on him and Quavo laid eyes on her.


Hey yall😊

I know this was kind of boring but it'll get better as time goes by and we get into everything😁

Anyway, I'm hungry so I'm finna get me a snack🤷🏽‍♀️ toodles😊

Anyway, I'm hungry so I'm finna get me a snack🤷🏽‍♀️ toodles😊

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