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"Oh my god my head." I said.

"Me too." Jake groaned.

"When did Thor get here?" He laughed.

"At like 12 when you fell asleep." I giggled.

"How did you manage to do everything as drunk as you were?" He laughed once more.

"I don't even know." I giggled, grabbing my phone off the charger.

"Woah. Why am I being tagged in so much?" Jake asked, as I unlocked my phone.

"Me too." I asked scrolling through Twitter.

"People keep asking if we smashed." Jake laughed.

"Oh my god why?" I laughed.

"I have no clue." He said as I opened Instagram.

*anthonytruj mentioned you in his story*

"Oh shit. Wait. It's literally nothing. It's just me talking to tony drunk out of my mind. Maybe they're flipping out cause we are in the same bed?" I asked.

"Maybe. I'll tweet something explaining it." Jake laughed.


@JakePaul: Kay and I are best friends nothing more. Absolutely nothing happened yesterday for many reasons.
1- we don't like each other in that way
2- Kay loves @ksiolajidebt
3-it would be far too awkward.
Sorry for the confusion! Much love!
❤️~1.9M 💬~296K
@kay: love you too!

@ksiolajidebt: much respect!

@kay.ksi: thank god

*load more comments*

I retweeted it to make sure everyone knew and yeah. I check a few more of my socials till I eventually got bored, and went downstairs to get an Advil.

I grabbed a couple tablets and two bottles of water. I took one, and brought the other to Jake.

"THANK YOU. Ow that hurt." Jake said as I chuckled.

"I'm gonna go see what's up with tony." I laughed, as he nodded.

"Have fun. He's probably playing fortnite like always." He joked.

I walked down the hallway and opened his door a little bit to make sure I wasn't interrupting anything. Which thank lord I wasn't. Just Fortnite like Jake said.

"Hey." He smiled looking up at me.

"Hey." I answered walking over to his bed.

"How is your headache?" He laughed.

"It's just peachy. How Forknife going for you?" I giggled.

"Two things. One, your giggle is adorable. And two, forknife?" He laughed.

"Yup. Forknife." I laughed some more.

"Wanna play?" He asked pulling me next to him.

"I have no clue how so teach me!" I laughed.

"I gotchu babygirl." He laughed, as I giggled by the name.

"That nickname is cute not gonna lie." I laughed.

"You know it." He winked, as he smiled, showing off his dimple. Which I felt the need to poke, so I did.

"Stoooop." He laughed.

"Never!" I smiled.

"Okay so fortnite. Basically just kill people." He said pulling me in between his legs, so that we both were facing the tv.

"Ight. Bet." I laughed.

"Bet?" He laughed.

"Yeah. We should make this into a bet though." I laughed.

"Deal. You get three kills I'll buy you lunch. You lose, I get to take you to the beach and out to lunch." He smiled.

"Deal! But it can't be a date, I have a boyfriend." I smiled.

"I know. It doesn't have to be." He grinned.

"Okay then. Deal." I said as we shook hands.

I lasted four minutes. Four fucking minutes.

"That was horrible." He laughed.

"Don't judge." I laughed.

"Me? Never!" He fake gasped.

"Stop!" I laughed.

"Fine!" He giggled.

"I'm gonna tell jj what's happening so if the paparazzi ya know?" I laughed.

"Okay." He smiled.

I hit JJs contact and clicked FaceTime.

"Hey babe." JJ said answering the phone.

"Hey bub hows your day been so far?" I smiled.

"Good, just got some food what are you up to?" He asked.

"Anthony and I were about to go to the beach and get lunch so I wanted to tell you Incase paparazzi got out and you took it the wrong way." I said pulling my hood from my hoodie up.

"Yeah yeah. It's fine babe. I trust you." He smiled.

"Anything exciting happening soon?" I asked JJ, trying to see if he would remember my birthday.

"No I don't think so." He laughed. Damn that hurt.

"Well I gotta go Kay. It was good talking to you. Love you." He smiled.

"You too." I said quietly, ending the call.

"What a dick. He doesn't even remember your birthday." Anthony said rolling his eyes.

"Maybe he's gonna surprise me?" I said or asked hopefully.

"Maybe. But look on the bright side we are going to the beach! Go get ready!" He smiled.

*skip to after their little date thing*


@kay: the beach is my second home

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@kay: the beach is my second home. Thanks Anthony I luv you ♥️
❤️~9.5M 💬~329K
@jakepaul: so that's where you went 🤔

@ksi: 💞

@loganpaul: damn good photography toner. 😂

@anthonytruj: love ya too Queen Kay ❤️
@kay: ❤️❤️

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