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"Callie! Wake up! We have a game today!" Charlie yelled while pushing me back and forth to wake me up.

"Oh man yeah!" I said as I got up from bed. I took a quick shower, got dressed and got all my stuff.

"Kids let's go!" Mom called. Charlie and I ran out and we were off.

When we got to the rink there was another team who looked tougher than us. They had jerseys for crying out loud! It took me a while to clearly see their team name on their jerseys. Hawks. We were playing the Hawks today.

"How are we supposed to beat this team?" I whispered to Charlie.

"We're not." He whispered.

"We're gonna get creamed." I sighed as we walked on.

When we got to the benches with our friends, the Hawks were doing their warm-ups. "They're doing warm-ups, Charlie." I whispered.

"I can see that, Callie. They're Hawks what do you expect?" He whispered back.

"Red alert! They're coming!" I whisper-yelled at Charlie.

"Act normal." He said.

Two Hawks skated over to our area. "Hi girls!" One teased. Terry got mad and almost hit the kid, but we held him back. They skated away and laughed. My blood boiled in anger. Those Hawks really don't know how to play a good game.

"Those kids need to be taught some respect." I said through gritted teeth.

"Why're you so mad, Conway?" Jesse asked.

"Issues." Charlie laughed. I snarled at him and he put his hands up in surrender.

"Sorry!" Charlie said.

"I hate that Banks kid over there." I seethed.

"Calm down, Conway!" Averman said.

"Callie, stop." Charlie said in a very serious tone knowing what I was about to do, but grabbed my wrist a little too late. I jumped over and skated towards Adam Banks.

"Hey Banks, you're going down!" I yelled at him. I pushed him and he fell back but he got up again.

"Pssh. You wish." He said and pushed me. I almost lost my balance.

Our teams stood behind us. "You're always going to be a cheater and a suck-up! You'll always be a mean ugly booger!" I yelled at him. I tackled him to the ground and we were fighting and yelling at each other.

Someone pulled me back and I saw that it was Charlie. "Charlie let go!" I yelled.

"Stop Callie! Stop!" Charlie yelled. I squirmed to get loose as more of them held me back. Some kid held Banks back too and we were both squirming to fight each other.

"Hey Conway! Learn to control your pain-in-the-butt sister!" Larson said.

"Yeah? Well maybe you should teach your potty-mouth teammate to shut up!" Charlie shot back.

Our teams skated in opposite directions and Charlie sat me down at the bench. "The heck was that, Conway?!" He yelled at me.

"I'm sorry, I just got mad." I said, not making eye contact.

"Mad?! You could've gotten us disqualified or you could've gotten hurt!" Charlie yelled.

"I'm sorry, Charlie." I whispered.

"Just don't do that again, Cal." He sighed.

"From now on, we're keeping the Callie away from Banks." Guy said.

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