Chapter 2: The First Impression

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Maikensly's POV

"Oh I see, Hi I'm Shaeferhia.The daughter of Mr. Floreaintine blah...blah...blah...

Ooohhh!! I want to shout so loud! She's the daughter of Mr. Floreaintine. Me and him go way back long time ago. I'll tell you the next time around.

But you know what the first time I saw her I felt unusual and the same time Angry. Everytime I look at her I feel like I met her before. Oh well~

Here in our room its our Major class now. My major is just the same as Shaeferhia's : The Power Enlightment Major. And in this Major I'm one seat behind her. So i can look at her without her knowing it. I have a power that can read and block minds but my father said that I have more powers beyond the knowledge I've known.

And now I'm here staring at he- I mean at our professor. I can't think enough about this lesson so I tried to read what's on her mind but-- ... I can't reach her conscience. Do we have the same powers? Is she just blocking me? Oooohhhh...

"Okay class you can choose your partners for your Power Enlightment test for the next week..." Professor Rowlecia said.

"You and me? Is that okay with you?" Shaeferhia said.

"What? Uhm-- okay, Sure .." I hesitatedly answered her.

She just talked to me? To ME?! Is this a dream? Or a nightmare? Oh?! I wish this will be a good First Impression to her ...

Shaeferhia's POV

"You and me? Is that okay with you?" I said. Why did I do that?! Me asking him I think its the other way around?

Oh well its a good thing he agreed. But how am I supposed to do with our test? I don't to let him find out my other powers...

He looks familiar to me its like I've seen him before.


Here we are at my room, me and Maikensly, we have to start practicing and reviewing so I can beat my Sister. Gonna gets my hopes up high, really really high!


"Hey what are you doing?" -Shaeferhia

"Silencio Siencæ!"- Maikensly

"Thats a spell not a------... Hmmmmhmmmhmmmhmmm..!!" -Shaeferhia

"What ? Can't hear you?" -Maikensly

"HmmHmmHmmHmmmHmmmmmm!!!!!!" -Shaeferhia.

He just gave me a spell to keep me in silence and he can't hear me. Is he kidding me? -.-*

"Oh! I'm sorry Shaeferhia! I didn't mean to do it on you! Undhœresyin Bibra! -Maikensly

"Wooh! Its okay atleast it wore off, where did you learn those spells?"- Shaeferhia.

"From your-- a professor of mine way back then"- Maikensly

"Professor who?"- Shaeferhia

"Uhmmmm..." -Maikensly


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