Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Ya know, I really don't want to fight, and I don't care whether I become a chunin or not, but I'm not going to lose to a girl!" Shikamaru-san declared, earning a smirk from his enemy.

She quickly spun her fan around, causing a large burst of thick smoke and dust to fill the area. Her eyes shot after Shikamaru-san's movements before settling on the trees the Nara was hiding behind.

"Oh my, it seems she's also quite intellectual. Shikamaru-san is definitely going to give up at the end of this fight, the lazy bastard," I joked as I looked down at the arena.

The girl brought her fan in front of her and looked over at the area of the shadows the boy was hiding in with the utmost seriousness.

Meanwhile, the boy with a loop earrings stared up at the sky with a bored expression. He probably just wanted to watch the clouds instead of fighting such a troublesome match. His black eyes drifted down to the hole the blonde idiot next to me made, and then he smirked. He had a plan in the making that would surely succeed, especially considering his genius IQ levels.

Temari suddenly waved her fan, causing her special three-star which were actually three circles wind attack.

The winds made by the fan managed to cut through the trees themselves, but they also made a rather large cloud of dust that helped Shikamaru-san pull off his next move easily.

The Nara had sent his shadow towards his opponent and caused Temari to quickly jump back several times. Unfortunately, Shikamaru-san could only send his shadow out so far, and stopped before it could reach her.

The Suna girl noticed that fact and made a line in the dirt with her fan whilst kneeling down. "Ah... I see. I've seen through your kagemane jutsu!"

The boy gave a huff as he leaned against the wall, cuts evident all over his body from the blonde's previous attack. He was huffing a bit as his hands began to slowly pull apart.

"Looks like there's a limit to how much you can stretch, shrink, and change the shape of your shadow, isn't there?" The blue-eyed girl asked with a smirk. "No matter how much you change and stretch the shape of your shadow, you still can't stretch it any further than the surface area of your normal shadow... Right?"

The black-haired boy gave a smirk and a small chuckle before agreeing. "That's right..."

The girl's face remained neutral as she began making the proper assumptions about Shikamaru-san's abilities, including his ability to use other shadows to lengthen the distance in which his shadow could spread. She then slammed her closed fan into the line she made and calculated the distance between herself and Shikamaru-san - 15 meters and 32 centimeters. That Suna girl sure was smart when it came to battle strategies.

The member of the Konoha rookies glanced up at the clouds in the sky before letting his gaze drift down to his opponent. He then closed his black eyes and made a hand sign - a circle with his thumbs at the top and the rest of his fingers on the bottom. Shikamaru-san was making a strategy that would allowing him victory... So long as he chose not to quit, at least.

"What's he doing?" Uzumaki-kun asked eagerly as he stared down at the lazy individual.

"That's for him to show," I replied with a smirk as I watched the boy's black eyes shoot open.

Shikamaru-san's left hand reached back into his shinobi pouch, displaying that he was finally ready to initiate his plan.

"Watch the shadows," I instructed the blonde as the Suna girl opened her fan.

"Looks like you're finally going to get serious!" Temari yelled before performing her powerful wind jutsu once again.

Shikamaru-san pulled a kunai from his back pouch before darting to his right where he could get coverage from the harsh, chakra-infused winds.

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