Spring Wedding

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"GINNY WEASLEY, YOU BETTER BE OUT OF THAT BED!!" Molly yelled outside of Ginny's room.

"I AM!!" Ginny lied jumping out of bed.

"I don't hear the shower on." Molly said. Ginny rolled her eyes before entering her bathroom and turning on her shower. After getting out of the shower, she put on her robe before leaving her bathroom. As she was about to do her hair someone knocked on her door.

"Who is it?" She asked.

"It's Angelina, I was wondering if you needed help with your hair and make up?" She asked.

"Sure, come on in" Ginny said. Angelina walked in and smiled at her. She went over to her and began doing Ginny's hair. She put it into a braided up do with a tiara on top. For her make up, they did a light smokey eyeshadow and peach lipstick. It looked really good.

"Thanks Angelina" Ginny said.

"You're welcome" she said as another person knocked on her door before opening it. It was Hermione.

"You look beautiful Ginny" she said.

"Thanks" Ginny said.

"I'm here to help you into your dress and to give you this." She said handing her a letter. Ginny opened it and smiled at the handwriting of her soon-to-be-husband.

My beautiful bride,

Can you believe that we are getting married today? It seems like yesterday that we found out we are soulmates. I am so happy that we are soulmates and I can't wait to marry you. I love you Ginny Weasley, always have always will.

Love, your soon-to-be-husband

Ginny took a deep breath, willing herself to not cry. Blaise loves her.

"You okay?" Hermione said.

"I'm in love with a man who loves me back." She said. Angelina and Hermione smiled before Angelina said goodbye and left the room, closing the door behind her.

"Let's get you into your dress" Hermione said. Ginny stood and helped Hermione with the dress. They got it on her and boy did she look beautiful. A knock on the door made them jump a little.

"Are you dressed?" Arthur asked.

"Yes, you can come in." Ginny replied. The door opened and in walked Arthur. He stood in the door way looking at his baby girl in a stunning wedding dress.

"You look beautiful sweetheart" he said tearing up.

"Dad, don't start crying or I will start crying." Ginny said. Arthur nodded then sniffed and straightened up.

"It's time to go" he said. Ginny nodded before going over to her father and taking his arm before they apparated to Zabini Manor. They appeared inside the Manor where Hermione joined Draco and the rest of the group in walking outside and down to where the wedding was being held. Ginny took a deep breath and gripped her father's arm tighter.

"You okay darling?" He asked.

"Yeah, just ready for this next chapter in my life." She said. Arthur smiled and leaned over to kiss her head.

Zabini's aren't criers. Blaise hadn't cried since he was three but watching his bride walk down the aisle made him tear up. She looked like a goddess with her white and gold dress. They made it to the end of the aisle where Arthur looked him straight in the eye.

"Please take care of her" he said.

"Always" Blaise replied. Arthur nodded before turning to Ginny and kissing her forehead.

"I love you my dear" he said.

"I love you too, Dad" She said trying her best not to cry. Arthur gave Blaise, Ginny's hand before joining his wife.

"I love you too" Ginny said before the minister from the ministry could even say a word. Blaise smiled and pulled her in for a kiss. Ginny pulled back after a few seconds and smiled.

"Now that you are ready, let's begin, we are gathered here today to join these two people in holy matrimony." He said. "If anyone should object, please speak now or forever hold your peace." No one said a word so the minister continued.

"The couple has written a few words that they want to share with each other and everyone here." He said. Ginny looked over to Giovanni who she convinced to be in his true form for her wedding and winked at him before saying.

"A wise man once told me that I don't find love." She looked back at Blaise. "Love finds me. He said that it has a little bit to do with destiny, fate and what's written in the stars." Ginny looked down at their entwined hand.

"Before you came into my life, I was in a dark place and even with friends help, I never thought I truly be happy again...until you came into my life." She looked at him with tears running down her face. Thank Merlin, she had water proof mascara on. "You taught me that I deserve to be happy, to be loved, to laugh as loud and crazy as I want and not care who hears me. I love that you and I will spend the rest of our lives together. I love you Blaise Zabini. I always will." Blaise took a deep breath as tears fell from his eyes. Ginny let go of his hand and wiped them away.

"How do I top that?" He asked making everyone including Ginny laugh. "Love was a concept that I just didn't get until I met you. You are that one person who no matter what stood up for her beliefs and to this day are still the bright light in my life. Ginny Weasley, all I have in this world I give to you, I promise to hold and keep you, comfort, protect, and shelter you, for all the days of my life." Ginny smiled at him as the minister from the ministry spoke up.

"Now for the rings" he said. Blaise turned to Draco who gave him the ring before turning back to Ginny. "Please repeat after me, I, Blaise Zabini"

"I, Blaise Zabini"

"Take you, Ginny Weasley"

"Take you, Ginny Weasley"

"To be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

"To be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part." Blaise said sliding the ring on Ginny's ring finger. Ginny then turned and took the ring for Blaise from Hermione.

"Ginny, please repeat after me, I, Ginny Weasley"

"I, Ginny Weasley"

"Take you, Blaise Zabini"

"Take you Blaise Zabini"

"To be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

"To be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." He said. Ginny pulled Blaise's tie so he was pulled towards her as she kissed him.

"Witches and Wizard, please give a round of applause to Mr. and Mrs. Blaise Zabini." The minister said making everyone clap and cheer. Blaise lead Ginny down the aisle and into the Manor, they entered the living room where Blaise helped Ginny take the train off before kissing her senseless. They were interrupted by a throat clearing. They both looked over to see Gio standing in the doorway.

"Sorry to interrupt but I didn't get to see you before the ceremony started so I thought I'd catch you after." He said before stepping into the room.

"You look beautiful, mia figlia" he said (my daughter) Ginny smiled before going over to him and hugging him.

"Grazie papà" She whispered in his ear.(Thank you Dad) Gio's heart welled up and he tightened his hold on her a little.

"We were going to tell you this later but we are too excited about it." Ginny said pulling back as Blaise joined them.

"About what?" Gio asked.

"Blaise and I want you to come live with us after we graduate. Blaise's parents are moving into a smaller house and are leaving the manor to us. There is a west wing that you will have all to yourself." Ginny said.

"Thank you for the offer but-"

"We want you to be closer to us and we don't want you living alone." Ginny said.

"I am grateful for the offer but you just got married and are going to start a family plus I am fine living on my own."

"We aren't taking no for an answer." Blaise said.

"Plus when we do have kids we may want some help since you have had kids we thought you could teach us something." Ginny said hoping that would convince him.

"I will do it but you must accept this gift." He said pulling out an envelope from inside his suit. He handed it to Ginny and Blaise which they took and opened it was two plane tickets to Paris, France

"A little bird told me that you guys weren't going anywhere for your honeymoon since graduation is tomorrow so I decided that I would change that, think of it as a graduation present" He said.

"Thank you Gio" Ginny said before they both gave him a hug.

"Now let's get to the reception before your mother comes and find us." Gio said.

"Terrifying isn't she?" Ginny chuckled.

"I am older then her but she terrifies me, especially when she starts talking about how I should find a nice girl and settle down." Gio said making a face at the thought. Blaise and Ginny chuckled as they all headed out to the reception.

A little while later, it was time for the married couple to have their first dance. Blaise and Ginny went through Hermione's entire collection and hadn't found a song they both liked until Hermione brought up a CD her parents just sent to her. They listen to only the first song and decided that this was the song. It's called You Are The Reason by Calum Scott. Blaise and Ginny walked out onto the dance floor as the song started.

There goes my heart beating, cause you are the reason I'm losing my sleep, please come back now

"I can't believe we are actually married." Ginny said.

"I know, it doesn't feel real yet."

I'd climb every mountain and swim every ocean, just to be with you.

"I love you, Ginny Zabini"

"And I love you, Blaise Zabini"

I feel like I haven't written anything in ten days...A lot of stuff went down for the past two days.

Do I have any Utah fans who went to see Gabriel Iglesias a.k.a fluffy last night? Let me know in the comments.

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