76 ~ Oh My Goodness Gracious

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It was that time of year again

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It was that time of year again...Professor Slughorn's New Year party. The day where boys brushed their hair one too many times and girls rushed about,looking for the perfect dress and skipping breakfast to fit into it- those who were invited or had scored a date who had been. Eloise however, was not one of the people who skipped breakfast and highly resented those that did,

"Oh for Merlin's sake!" she had shouted at a Fourth Year who only put two raspberries onto her plate, "How about you don't eat just two fucking raspberries which will do absolutely nothing to sustain you until the party, or, you just. Buy. The. Right. Size. Dress!" the girl looked rather scared and stood up, rushing from the hall. "Unbe-bloody-lievable." Eloise had muttered, pouring syrup on her pancakes. The boys had all observed the whole scenario with looks of great amusement on their faces. A pout then fell onto Eloise's lips as she picked up a coffee. She continued to stare into its depths feeling very sorry for herself for a few minutes until she decided to stop being cryptic. She looked up to see the three boys laughing as James drew a surprisingly accurate doodle of Snape on his napkin. She cleared her throat and they looked up, "I have been pouting and sighing for 3 minutes and you are yet to ask me what's wrong like you're supposed to." she whined and the boys immediately burst into faux-sympathetic voices,

"Oh my goodness gracious, Eloise are you alright?"

"What's the matter, darling sister, is anything wrong?"

"You look slightly unhappy oh my Merlin, what can I do to help?"

She rolled her eyes and put her cheek on her hand, swirling her coffee,

"Alright, love, what's wrong?" Sirius asked, putting a hand on her back. She turned and cuddled into his chest, letting his wrap his arms around her,

"I sad." she said in a small voice,

"Why are you sad?" James asked, smiling slightly as Eloise stuck out her bottom lip,

"Lily and Marls aren't here so I have to get ready on my own." she mumbled and the boys chuckled,

"Awe, poor baby." Sirius said in a baby voice, resting his cheek on her head, "Well, if you'd like, I can come and help you get dressed." he added in his normal voice once more, although it was lower and more sultry. Eloise snorted and nuzzled her nose into his chest,

"I'm alright." she said and Sirius shrugged,

"Well if you ever feel sad, my offer still stands."

"Not if I can help it."
"Shut up, Prongs."


Eloise wasn't used to getting ready for a party on her own. Even though she could literally change her appearance at will, Lily always insisted on doing her hair and Marlene, her makeup. Eloise sighed as she got her dress out of her wardrobe and thought back to when Marlene tries to put eyeshadow on her and ended up poking her in the eye and temporarily blinding her. She snorted and then frowned,

"Fucking hell, they're not dead, Elle, get a grip." she muttered to herself and took of her jeans and t-shirt, slipping on the pastel pink dress she had brought in Hogsmeade, along with the matching heels. She walked to the bathroom and closed her eyes, envisioning the look she wanted in her head. Once her eyes had reopened her hair was light blonde and in a loose, low bun, streaks falling out at the front and framing her face. Her makeup was light but classy, not taking away from the outfit. Her jewellery was simple, a diamond choker-type necklace, a simple gold bracelet and the ring she had got from Sirius on her right hand. She gave herself one last look in the mirror before nodded and leaving the dorm, walking down the stairs to meet the boys and walk to Slughorn's office.

 She gave herself one last look in the mirror before nodded and leaving the dorm, walking down the stairs to meet the boys and walk to Slughorn's office

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Elle (obv) ^^


The three boys were waiting in the Common Room for Eloise. Remus was sat on the back of the sofa next to James and Sirius was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed as he checked his watch,

"Where the fuck is she?" he groaned, "It started five bloody minutes ago."

"Oh shut up, Sirius, you arse, you're the one who wanted to be fashionably late." they all looked up as Eloise appeared at the top of the stairs and their mouths dropped open.

"That dress is so short." James said, shaking his head and walking over to his sister, "But you look beautiful." he told her and she smiled, pulling him into a hug,

"Ta, J, you look good too." she said, straightening his glasses. She turned and waved to Remus who laughed and walked over, hugging her as well, "Well if I knew I got all these hugs if I made an effort, I'll put a dress on more often." she laughed as Remus pulled away,

"Yeah, Prongs is right, Puff, that dress is very short." he muttered and Eloise shoved him. She turned to Sirius who hadn't yet closed his mouth, "Padfoot, now's the time you tell your girlfriend how gorgeous she looks." Remus said and Sirius blinked, standing up from the wall and regaining some of his natural confidence. He leant down and kissed her hand,

"You look stunning." he told her and she smirked, fanning her face jokingly.

"And don't you look nice in your little suit." she cooed, straightening his jacket and patting his cheek,

"Is that it?" he asked and Eloise raised an eyebrow,


"I look nice?" he repeated and Eloise smirked,

"You're forgetting that my big brother is present," she said, leaning closer and lowering her voice, "if he wasn't then I'd be saying something much different." she leant back and winked, walking towards the door, making sure to move her hips as she did,

"Such a fucking tease." she heard Sirius mutter as he caught up with her, slipping an arm around her waist.

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