09: accountability (pt.2)

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am i talking about your husband or your father?


THE FERVOR in which the vehicle zoomed away gave a silent breeze to graze rosalie's cheeks as she watched jimin's car until it disappeared into glaring streetlights and black cement. she wondered why he was so quick to leave, but didn't allow her thoughts to plague her as she began walking back inside and unlocked her door.

her house was soothingly quiet as she entered, the constant bustling of the gala seemed to overwhelm her as though she was there for an eternity and not just a mere hour. she sighed as she removed her shoes and entered her living room to see haeran sprawled atop her father's chest as the two of them slept, a rerun of an old american television show playing on her tv.

ah, she thought, grinning. that's why it was so quiet.

she tiptoes up to her couch, leaning down to whisper into her father's ear. "daddy?"

ever the light sleeper, her father jerks up almost immediately, blinking drowsily, "huh? oh. rosalie. hey, baby."

"hey," she says. "i don't mean to wake you-"

"you're fine baby, i was just dozing off."

"oh. okay," rosalie says to his instant rebuttal. "did you guys eat? i told you about the leftover lasagna in the fridge, but it's a little early for dinner- it's not even eight yet." if they ate already that'd be great, that meant that rosalie could just take haeran up to her bed and let that be that. she was too drained from the night's previous activities to do much else.

her dad nods. "yeah, we ate. haeran got a little sleepy," he chuckles lowly, looking down.

"oh, good, i'll take her upstairs to bed then." her father remains still as rosalie reaches down to pick her daughter up; it took a lot for haeran to fall asleep so deeply, but rosalie is grateful for this little miracle.

she began to slightly stir as rosalie began to move her, but as soon as haeran is fully enveloped in her mother's arms she relaxes, and rosalie finds comfort in her soft breaths on her neck. haeran's arms were instinctively around rosalie's neck as rosalie held her body securely against her chest and takes easy footsteps ascending her stairs.

it was the miniscule moments like these that reminded rosalie of why she wanted a child so badly. she has always yearned the curious and bright eyes of a baby, there was simply nothing better than to see a baby inhale deeply when they're so happy to see you, or to listen to the steady hum of their heartbeat as they slept. holding her daughter close to her body was so valued because there was always that proof of life right under her nose. she was right there, holding her and loving her and being everything she's ever wanted. god, if jimin would give her anything it was a baby. her baby.

as rosalie nears the glow of the nightlight that shined bright because of haeran's open room door, she comes to the conclusion that haeran's room was an experience all in itself. her favorite color is blue, so her room was decked out in blue walls, her bedsheets drenched in an overwhelming splash of turquoise and stripes. her stuffed animals were all named after shades of blue and something haeran loved at the time, like the indigo hulk - a spotted puppy that she won after watching her first avenger's film- or the navy piggie, the stuffed frog atop her nightstand. haeran is undoubtedly spoiled by her parents, but that's okay.

as rosalie entered haeran's room, she successfully dodges any toys on her floor that she'll scold her daughter for not picking up later, and rests haeran's sleeping form under her blankets and right next to indigo hulk, right where she belonged. rosalie began to skillfully change her daughter into her proper sleepwear without waking her; she wishes she could thank the person who invented buttons.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2019 ⏰

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