You said you'd grow old with me!

En başından başla

"You're a bit dressed up for a movie night?!" you commented looking at the two people "It's the reunion. We think it would be best if you came out. You need to get back to a normal life." Your dad walked over giving Haru a hug. "I'm not feeling it," you said as you went to make them a coffee. "It's a shame..." your dad smirked at you before continuing his sentence "but you don't have a choice!" your dad commented as you noticed Midnight lift here sleeve and her quirk activating, dropping you off to sleep.

"She is going to be mad when she wakes up." the woman turned to her husband. "I know...but I can't watch this anymore...can we Haru?" he turned to his grandson "You drew that picture for mummy to get the other pro heroes to sign?" he smiled as the boy looked at what was happening not saying anything as he grabbed a picture he had drawn with some pro heroes on that you had gone to school with.

"Good boy! Hun go get her ready. I'll watch little man." he said as you were dragged upstairs. You woke up to feel someone curling your hair "Don't blame was your dad and Mitsuki's idea!" the black-haired woman commented. "Also, Haru would like some signatures," she commented as she passed you the picture with a drawing of Red Riot, Charge Bolt, Deku, Ground Zero and many more on.

"Ok I get it...I know you guys are worried. I'll do this for Haru." you sigh as she finishes your hair and make-up. Your outfit was pretty risky but classy, you didn't care as you didn't want to go. As you walked downstairs Haru was talking to your dad about how he was worried, as mummy never smiled anymore. Putting on a brave face " do I look little man?" you smiled making him turn before running over "Mummy you look so pretty!" you picked him up kissing his tiny forehead "I'm sorry I promise I will smile more ok. I just miss daddy so much." You smiled. 


Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"I know but remember mummy he is right here!" he said as he tapped your heart. "You know what little man. You are right and I bet he will watch mum get super drunk tonight. What would he say when mummy was drunk with Aunty Momo?" you smile "He would say mummy is a silly woman because she can't handle her sauce!" Haru laughed as you swung him around making him giggle before stopping and holding him close to you. "Who's autograph do you want the most in case they are busy, little man? Let me guess Ground Zero?" you smile as he nods.

"Oh you should make grandpa watch the Pokémon movie he loves it sooooo much, Haru." you smirk as you dad shakes his head "YAYYY!" Haru yelled as you and Nemuri aka Midnight start laughing. "Well boys don't wait up me and your hot mummy are going to be on the shots!" Nemuri laughed as a cab turned up. In the car you didn't say much "You know your dad went through the same thing right?" the older woman commented. "I know. You're right. God, it's weird." you smile looking at your hands.

At the party, the members of Class A are stood together "You think she will come?" Momo turned to her husband. "I don't think so...She hasn't spoken to anyone in months." Shoto commented as Midoryia stood there. "Yeh I can imagine. I don't know what I would do." Katsuki just stood next to Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero with a beer.

"What do I say if she comes?" he said, "Sorry for your loss!" Kirishima commented "She most likely won't come though." he said as a few people who knew you were commenting. Mei and Ryos walked over to the Todoroki's "Hey. Have you heard from (f/n)? She isn't answering any of our calls or opening the door?" Mei said as everyone listened in. "No, we were at the hospital when he died it was awful. I had to drag her out whilst Momo held Haru!" Shoto remembered you clawing and screaming at him. He felt that's why you couldn't face him.

The music was loud as you and Nemuri walked in "Look just try to have a good night. I'm sure your friends will be here!" she smiled looking to a group of people talking, of course, you didn't know it was about you. "Can't I just stay with you?!" you attached yourself to her arm nervously as the vast number of people in the room made you nervous. You had dropped a lot of weight since Ash's death, but somehow the older woman had made you look a million dollars.

"I'll have the first drink with you...but I will be stood with the rest of the teachers!" Nemuri was being patient but wanted to hit the drink hard. "I can stand with them too!" you smiled nervously "Ok for a little bit. Geez are you a kid again?!" she laughed as a few people turned around you dropped your head clinging to her. You knew people were staring at you but at that moment in time, you wanted a drink.

"Come on!" she started dragging you towards the bar as your friends watched you walk past them all with your head down. "We will have 10 shots of Sambuca! Also, a triple bourbon and coke and I'll have sex on the beach!" Midnight placed the order as you fidgeted feeling eyes on you. 

****Thank you for reading and thank you Author-chanXD for the virtual tissues and support whilst I had to re read and edit this chapter. Hope you enjoy it!***

****I don't own bnha or Pictures*****

I'll wait! Katsuki Bakugou x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin