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She was the daughter,

the daughter of the sea.

Shells made of

ripples in the sand

hung from her delicate neck.

Her lips parted gently

to sing a song of soft touches and kisses

in a language that only her lover knew,

in a voice created by the moon.

She was the daughter,

the daughter of the earth.

Vines of bronze and gold

snaked around her head,

the one she always held high with pride.

Her mouth opened wide

in a bellowing laugh,

and she shouted her love across the land,

with a voice created by the sun.

Two lovers,

of water and of earth,

rode the mighty wind,

that ran across the blue yonder

with its mighty hooves.

But when the sun and moon

fought for a place in the skies,

daughter of earth and daughter of sea

clung to each other,

before losing their voices.

The power given by sun and moon,

was stolen away through anger and war.

Never could they speak again,

so how would they show their love?

She was the daughter of the sea.

She was the daughter of the earth.

Two lovers who lost their voices

when the sun and moon fought.

Two lovers who to this day,

can only exchange kisses

to show their love to the other

where waves meet the earth.

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