Chapter Four: Young and Menace

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I pull into the School parking lot. I'm about to get off when a white convertible pulls into the parking spot beside mine.

I get off my motorcycle and look over to see Adrian and Adams getting out of the car. Adrian in the divers side.

Great he is a rich kid, I was only guessing when I first met him.

"Yo, Adams. Got any news on Kian?" I ask as I walk up beside him.

"No, why are you asking me?"

"Because you love gossip." I smile.

"It's to early to know anything, I mean shouldn't you know more? You are the one that found him." Adams says as him and Adrian start to walk faster towards the School.

I run up after them.

"Which I should be getting praised for because if I hadn't walked down to the river his body would have been decomposed by now. Or eaten by a deer." I smile.

Both of them nod, "Why are you both walking and talking zombies honestly, even you Adrian, you talked more at the Café when you said you weren't going to talk."

"I didn't feel like I had to talk right now." Adrian shrugs.

"I'm leaving." I roll my eyes and walk ahead of them.

I head towards where the gang is standing, as I'm about to approach them when I'm intercepted by Conner.

"Why'd you break up my fight at the party?" Conner asks.

"Why not," I shrug, "You were being an idiot."

"You're not in my life anymore, I don't need your help. I was going to win that fight."

"I'm sorry I was just trying to make sure you weren't a bad drunk. Trust me you would have regretted it in the morning. Now get out of my way. " I try to move past him, but he steps in front of me.

"You don't need to care about me, we broke up, correction you broke up with me once you joined the gang that you said you were never going to join in the first place."

"Things change dude, and I hate you, and I don't care about you. I was doing that for my own purposes. And yeah I joined a gang, things can change, rapidly. Now get out of my way before you get punched into the ground." I flash a smile before pushing past him.

Some people just don't know how to take kindness. Someone is allowed to do something nice and there shouldn't have to be an explanation.

I walk over and stand beside Jade.

"Did you hear people are already blaming The Hunters for killing Kian. None of us even talked to that idiot." Jade fumes.

"People will blame who they want to blame, it's only a matter of what's true and what the facts are. They have no proof, just because the gang is, a gang, they automatically think "oh they're bad people lets blame them". Don't listen to them, they're all idiots."


I sat at the very top of the gym stands. There was an impromptu assembly that I didn't want to be in and I was hoping to sneak out of.

"We assume that all of you know about the death of a former student Kian Turner. Due to this we gave the rest of last week off and pushed back a few things." Principal Galilean says.

"With this happening we had to push back our Back to School dance which will be taking place this Friday. We are setting up meetings with the Guidance Counsellor if anyone would like to talk if they have been affected by any of the recent events. This will be happening throughout the week, and so on if needed."

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