"Alrighty class!" Albus shouted, stopping the chatter as he walked into his class, "I have graded your essays and I have to say they were overall pretty decent and you've all improved." He set his bag down onto his desk and opened it up to grab the graded essays but a student called for his attention.
"Professor Potter, who got the best score in the class?" Lelia, a Gryffindor asked curiously.
"You know I can't say that outloud," Albus shook his head and went back to digging through his bag. He hadn't shrunk them that much, why couldn't he find them? He searched some more until he realized that these weren't even his things. He looked at the bag and noticed it was in much better condition than his, and there was a fancy 'SHM' embroidered on it.
"Shit," he muttered, but his class heard him.
"What is it Professor?" someone asked.
"I was going to give you back your essays, but it seems that I grabbed the wrong bag this morning," Albus brought his hand up to his forehead, pushing his fringe back slightly.
"The wrong bag?" someone questioned. "How does that happen?"
"Uh, excuse me for a moment, guys. I'll be right back. Behave your selves please," Albus sighed, ignoring their questions as he grabbed Scorpius' bag and headed for the door, making sure his initials were facing away from the class so they wouldn't suspect anything.
But he was barely two feet from the door when Scorpius himself came sauntering in, carrying Albus' bag.
"Not only was I late to my first class because of the fucking Cherimoya slug slime, I open my bag and find all these essays, then realize that this isn't even mine at all," Scorpius held out he satchel to Albus who rolled his eyes and exchanged their bags.
"I was just about to come find you. Nice embroidery," Albus teased.
"Thanks, it cost three galleons extra," Scorpius winked.
"Get out of here rich boy, don't you have a class to get to?" Albus shooed him out and Scorpius just laughed as he walked out.
"What was that?!" Someone sounded amazed and they all started talking loudly about Professor Potter and Professor Scorpius.
"You guys are in love!" Albus heard Leila sigh dreamily over all of the other chatter.
"Hey!" Albus shouted, quieting the seventh years, "We're not here to talk about my love life! We are hear to discuss your N.E.W.T. prep essays!" with a flick of his wand all their essays were flying across the room to their owners.
"But professor, when we're done with the lesson for today, will you tell us how you managed to swap or satchels?" a Ravenclaw named Casey asked, her chin rested in her hand.
"No, because it's not important, N.E.W.T. prep is though!" Albus clapped his hands together, desperately trying to make his pupils forget about his incident with Scorpius
About three nights later, as Al was stuck in his quarters, grading papers - since it seemed to be all he did these days as they led up to winter break - he heard a knock on the door. He swiftly stood up and opened it without even checking the peephole to see who it was.
"Oh hello there, Scorpius. How can I help you?" He greeted, noticing the other teacher not only carried his satchel but another bag as well.
"Well you see..." Scorpius started.
"Peeves lock you out again?"
"Eh, not exactly. Truly I was feeling quite lonesome and I was wondering if I could spend the night here?" The blonde sheepishly admitted.
Albus' eyes widened in surprise, not expecting him to straight out admit something like that, "Of course, if you really want to," he stepped aside to let Scorpius enter his flat, "I mean there's not much of a party going on here, just grading is all."
Scorpius lifted up his work satchel, "Oh same here, don't worry. Figured it'd be better with a bit of some company though."
The men had relocated their grading to the floor so they could each be more spread out since the table was so dang small.
The two eventually got sidetracked playing muggle card games that Albus had once taught his dorm mates back in their time as students at Hogwarts.
"You'll have to refresh me on Golf," Scorpius sighed as he watched all deal each of them eight cards.
"You want to get the lowest amount of points," he went on to explain and they went on to play, Scorpius somehow winning almost every time even though he seemed to not remember the game.
They chatted as they played, getting to know each other a little more.
"If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you?" Scorpius asked, flipping a card over.
"Hmm," Albus thought for a moment as Scorpius finished his turn, "I'd probably go to Munich, Germany - awh damn I got a shitty card," he cursed as he drew a 10 of hearts.
"Germany? Really? That's interesting," Scorpius smiled.
"What about you?"
"I'd go somewhere tropical, like the Maldives," Scorpius answered.
They continued to chat and Albus found out that the Malfoys, after Scorpius had finished Hogwarts, moved to France to live with Draco's parents who had fled there after the war. Albus explained that his parents weren't that exciting and they had simply stayed in the same home that they had moved in to way back when they were first expecting James Sirius.
The two eventually fell asleep on the floor next to each other, after laying awake until the late hours of the night chatting away about nearly everything going on in their lives.
Thankfully the next morning was a Saturday so they got to sleep in together.
Meanwhile at breakfast that morning some of the older Slytherin students noticed their two empty seats at the High Table and were giggling over made up scenarios of why they could both be gone.
"They're currently confessing their undying love for each other, and were too distracted to realize it was breakfast time," Sydnie Black sighed dramatically.
Antonia Gosse spoke up, "No, they confessed their love last night and they stayed up all night making sweet love, thus being too tired to come to breakfast."
The boys around them made disgusted faces, "Why would you think about our professors making love? That's disgusting!" Garrett Hill responded.
"I wasn't thinking about it! I just said that's what they were doing!" Antonia defended.
"I think they've probably just ran away to become lovers and live the rest of their lives alone together in a beautiful cottage on the coast of Italy. So romantic!" Fawn Heeler chimed in, just as the two professors they were speaking of walked into the Great Hall.
"They definitely haven't run away," Garrett said matter of factly. Fawn just rolled her eyes.

Sex Education // Scorbus
FanfictionProfessor Albus Potter has been asked to teach sex education to the 5th years at Hogwarts. The students question his credibility on the topic and cause him to take a step back and reevaluate his relationship and sex life. (Disclaimer: This does not...