"I hear you're teaching Sex Ed," Scorpius smirked as he sauntered up to Albus in the teachers lounge.
"Where'd you hear that?" Albus wondered, taking a sip of his newly poured coffee.
"Your students wouldn't stop giggling and snickering about it," Scorpius explained, pouring himself a cup of coffee.
Albus rolled his eyes fondly, "I was bribed by Neville to do it for him."
"How's that going?" Scorpius chuckled, blowing on his steaming cup.
"Brilliant," Albus replied sarcastically.
"Oh, I'm sure," Scorpius chuckled.
The lounge door opened and the Charms teacher, Catrin Knaggs, stepped in. "Oh just fuck already," was her greeting to the men. Catrin was one of the younger teachers that the students liked. She was about four years older than Albus and Scorpius though. She taught Charms.
"Hello to you too," Scorpius chuckled, sliding into a seat at the long meeting table in the center of the room. They were both used to people making comments about them dating, it wasn't a new thing.
"You know, you'd think thirteen year old's would be more mature when you say, 'shit'," Catrin said, plopping down in the chair next to Scorpius.
"At least you don't have to teach Sex Ed to the fifth years," Albus groaned.
"We're teaching Sex Ed now? At Hogwarts? That's a thing?" Catrin asked skeptically, taking a snack out of her bag.
"I said the same thing. But yes. Neville was supposed to teach it but he put the job on me," he explained.
"You have fun with the kids though, that helps," Catrin commented.
"I'm just honest," he shrugged, finally sitting down in the spot next to Scorpius. He groaned as he set his bag on the table, "I have to grade thirty-two N.E.W.T prep essays by Friday. I didn't think this through, and I probably shouldn't be procrastinating like I have been all weekend." He pulled out a stash of about thirty rolls of parchment, that he had obviously shrunk to fit in his bag.
Scorpius grabbed one and opened it to get an idea of what he was grading. He read through the first paragraph and snorted, "You have to grade thirty of these? Why would you do that to yourself?"
"They need the practice," Albus replied, "Have you read their writing?"
"Nora Lamar's writing is amazing though," Catrin commented, "Isn't she writing a novel?"
"Yes, she is very good. She's only a sixth year though, and yes I do believe that she is writing a novel," Albus nodded, "I told her I'd love to read it when she's done."
"She's always scribbling away at her notebook," Scorpius chuckled.
"Smart girl though," Catrin nodded, taking a bite of an apple that she'd brought.
"For sure, very sweet too," Albus said as he scratched an 'A' across the top of the first essay.
It was nearing ten o'clock as he left the library, three large books in his arms, and his wand was tucked behind his ear, emitting light so he wouldn't run into a wall or fall down a flight of moving steps. As he made his way down the poorly lit hall, he heard frantic whispering and noticed a dim glow from coming around the corner.
He turned that way, even though it wasn't the route back to his room. There was a group of three fourth year Hufflepuffs that seemed to be up to no good. Albus cleared his throat loudly and their heads snapped in his direction.
"What are you doing out of your dorms at this hour?" he inquired.
"Uh, sir-Proffesser, we uh-just," the tallest, who was called Matthias, started blabbering and Albus stopped him.
"Don't hurt yourself. As long as you weren't doing anything illegal I don't really care. I just want you three to head back to your dorms. This will be a warning to you, Kevin and Jamie too," he waved them off and they scampered away, muttering their apologies.
He headed back down the hall in the direction of his room. As he neared the hall where the teacher's sleeping quarters were tucked away at the far end of the castle, he saw another person, leaning against the wall. The light coming from the persons wand dulled his ability to see who it was. He internally groaned and told himself that he wouldn't let this student off as easily as he had the three Hufflepuffs. But then as he got closer he saw that it was actually Scorpius.
"Hello there," Albus greeted casually, making Scorpius look up from whatever book he was reading.
"Oh, hey, there you are," Scorpius sounded relieved.
"Yes, hi," Albus chuckled, "Did you need something?"
"Er, yes, Peeves kind of locked my door and splattered Cherimoya slug slime all over it, so I am unable to get it..." Scorpius sighed.
Albus bit his lip to keep from laughing, "Wow... that really sucks," Albus couldn't help it and laughed. Peeves had never been too fond of Scorpius, even when they were in school themselves.
"Yeah, so I was wondering if I could crash in your room tonight until I can get someone to clean it, 'cause trust me I've already tired," Scorpius sighed.
"Yeah, sure. I hope I didn't keep you past your bedtime," Albus teased as Scorpius started following him to his quarters.
"Nah," Scorpius waved his hand dismissively, "Usually up this late anyways. I wasn't sure when you'd come around though 'cause I know you're always up late."
"Yeah, the lads used to yell at me for having my light on till one am," Albus chuckled, referring to when they were in school.
"I never minded it, Elliot always said something though," Scorpius replied, his hands stuffed in his robe pockets.
"I never could get on that kids good side," Albus shook his head and Scorpius chuckled in agreement.
Albus dropped his newly checked out books by his shoes as they stepped into his room. "Do you need to borrow pajamas or something?" Albus asked.
"That would be nice, yeah," Scorpius replied, hanging up his cloak next to Albus' on his small rack. The teachers accommodations weren't too extravagant, there was a small kitchen area with barely enough room for a fridge, sink and a two person table. Albus barely used it. He had stashes of cereal though just in case he needed a midnight snack or something. There was a wall separating the bedroom which could really only hold a queen sized bed, a small couch and a wardrobe. Albus laid his robes on the unmade bed amd dug through his wardrobe for some comfortable clothes that could fit Scorpius' tall and thin figure.
"Here," Albus held out a pair of muggle sweatpants, "I think these are James' and he's almost your size so I think you'll be good. He then grabbed a random t-shirt and tossed it at Scorpius. Scorpius inspected the front.
"The Cannons, really?" Scorpius asked, holding up the black shirt so Albus could see the orange logo on the front.
"It's my uncles favorite team, I'm sorry! Would you like a different one?" Albus offered.
"No, I'm only giving you a hard time," Scorpius winked, then started changing right there at the foot of Albus' bed. Albus was shocked nonetheless but wasn't going to complain.
"Er, do you want me to sleep on the couch or do you want too..." Albus had to look away from Scorpius' toned chest.
Scorpius finished getting changed and looked over at Albus and shrugged, "Doesn't matter to me."
"You can have my bed," he quickly offered, "You're the guest." He cleared his throat before Scorpius could respond, "I'm going to use the restroom and brush my teeth." Albus swiftly walked out of the room.
"The kids can't find out about this, or they'll freak," Scorpius talked to him through the door, Albus agreed with a laugh.
The night went on with the two men laying there wide awake, completely unknown to the other that the same thoughts were going through each other's head. What would've happened if we had shared a bed?

Sex Education // Scorbus
FanfictionProfessor Albus Potter has been asked to teach sex education to the 5th years at Hogwarts. The students question his credibility on the topic and cause him to take a step back and reevaluate his relationship and sex life. (Disclaimer: This does not...