He Loves Me

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Jaquil - Keisha is you ready to go out for dinner ?

Keisha - " Yeah " i said as i walked down the stairs .

* My name jaquil & im in a gang called , compton killaas . i met keisha back in middle school 7th grade year . and every since then we were on and off . but she always got love for me and i always got love for her *

Jaquil - Dam bae you look fine , as always .

Keisha - Thanks Bae , But What Resturant We Going To ?

Jaquil - Its A Suprise

* Keisha Pov - I wonder what resturant were going too , because i might not be dressed for this type of attire . *

Me and Jaquil walked to our Range rover , he opened the door for me . such a gentlemen i said in my head .

Me - " Can you please tell me were are we going " ? i asked with curiousness .

Jaquil - No maan .

* Jaquil Pov -  If i just told keisha that im not telling her were we going , idk why she keep asking me ! *

We pulled up to this place , Jaquil covered my eyes & he said 1 , 2 , 3 open ! i opened my eyes to see my favorite resturant Le Pe Deor .

Me - " Awe thanks baby " i pecked his cheek .

Jaquil - You welcome .

We entered the resturant & i seen one of the workers at the reservation table staring at Jaquil , like did this bitch not see me .

Me : " Um . reservations for Jaquil & Keisha " i said with a attitude ! .

Waitress - Oh Yes , Table 5 .

Jaquil - Thanks Ma .

Waitress - You welcome boo .

* Keisha Pov - Did he not just call this hoe ma & she had the nerve to call him boo , oh hell nah ill punch that bitch in the throat & stab jaquil . *

Jaquil - Why you mugging me for ?

Me - Nothing .

Waitress - May i get your food and drinks .

Me - Yes , i would like a sweet tea & chicken alredo w. breadsticks .

Jaquil - I would like a coca-cola & steak w. a side of mashed potatoes .

Waitress - Ok ill be right back .

The whole time it was silent until she came back , i was just on my phone & so was jaquil .

Waitress - Heres your food .

Me - Thanks You

Jaquil - " Thanks Tony " as he squinched at her name tag .

Waitress - You welcome , whats your name ?

Jaquil - My name jaquil but everybody call me stacks .

* Keisha Pov - Now this nigga know goodness well nobody calls him stacks *

Waitress - "Well You Welcome Jaquil & Keisha " . she said walking off .

I dug into my food & once again it was silent , jaquil or stacks hardly touched his steak .

Me - Are you done ?

Jaquil - Yeah , are you .

* Jaquil Pov -  i flagged my hand for a waitress , i was irritated at keisha i knew this was going to be a bad night *

Waitress - Are you guys done ?

Jaquil - Yeah

Keisha Pov - Ik the waitress likes jaquil , but aine sweating her ass

Waitress - When i gave stacks the booklet , i slipped my number in with the receipt .

Jaquil - Thanks tony .

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2014 ⏰

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