Meeting Goldie

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Anna sleepily smacked her lips and gently wiped drool off of her mouth, trying to think of a way of getting a conversation going with her new companion without asking her any personal questions.

"So...uh...why do they call you 'Goldie'?", she asked with a bit of a yawn. "Because unless I went color blind since I fell asleep, your hair looks pretty dark to me."

"Oh, I used to be blonde," the cellmate answered simply, stroking her hair a bit. "And my hair was once a lot, lot longer. But 'Goldie' is what my husband used to call me, so I think the name suits me just fine."

She tilted her head sideways and looked at Anna with an amused grin.

"And speaking of hair, it looks like an animal died in yours," she half-laughed. "Do you always have bad hair days like this?"

"Huh?" went Anna. Then she felt her head. Humiliated, she realized that her hair was an absolute mess.

"Damn," she said. "It usually takes half an hour in front of the mirror to fix this. I don't suppose you have a comb I can borrow?"

"Sorry, no combs here," said Rapunzel. "Although I do sometimes have a plastic fork that I smuggle from the prison's cafeteria that can do wonders if you're willing to put some effort into it, but it's best if you have someone watching for guards when you do that."

Anna raised an eyebrow.

"I'm confused," she said, honestly puzzled. "Why would they not want us to have plastic forks?"

Rapunzel shrugged.

"Who knows?" she said. "I guess they're worried we'll somehow make them into weapons or something, but the so-called 'silverware' they have around here breaks so easily that I find it hard to believe that anyone could hurt even a mouse with it, much less a human being."

"I see," said Anna, licking her fingers and trying to fix her hair using them, but without much success. "I take it, you don't have any of these forks on you right now?"

"No, 'fraid not," Rapunzel answered. "You should go see Dinglehopper. She always seems to have them. God knows why."

"Dinghlehopper?" said Anna, having no idea what would earn an inmate a nickname like that.

"Yeah, she's kinda...out there," explained Rapunzel, adjusting the striped hat on her head a little bit. "She doesn't really talk much either. But she's not violent or anything. You don't have to worry about her."

"What about you?" asked Anna. "Are you...violent?"

She decided right away that this might not have been a smart question for her to ask her cellmate on her first day in prison, but Rapunzel just gave her a sly grin.

"I can be from time to time," she said.

Anna wasn't sure if she was joking or not. But Rapunzel at least didn't seem dangerous. If anything, she seemed almost shockingly cheerful...especially for someone who was slowly getting up from her bed, pulling her pants down without warning, and sitting on the toilet right in front of her.

Sitting on the toilet?!

It took Anna a moment to realize what she was witnessing, and she did a double take.

"Oh, my God!" went Anna, alarmed, sitting up so fast that she bumped her head against the wall. "I'm...I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to..."

"What's wrong?" asked Rapunzel.

Anna paused to rub the back of her now sore head before responding.

"'t realize you were having a private moment," she said sheepishly, and she lifted up her blanket and placed it over her eyes. "I can stay 'in here' until you're done if you want."

Anna Goes to Prison (A Frozen fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now