Chapter 13

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As usual I walk into school with my head down and a stone cold expression. I started walking ahead of everyone and made my way straight to my locker. I have gotten used to all the stares and laughing being thrown in my direction.

I was about to open my locker when I was pulled into someone's embrace. Their sent just filled the air and it bring a slight smile to my face. I could tell right away who that someone was because of their comforting warm hug and by the smell of their cologne.

Yoongi: Rm just told me everything. I will protect you with all my life so that bastard doesn't touch you or go anywhere near you ever again.

Y/N: Yoongi it's fine. I'm used to it now. It has been happening for over 2 years now bub.

I could tell he was upset by the way he tightened the hug and rested his head on my shoulder. Everyone was looking at us. People were gasping and were looking at us with wide eyes.

Yoongi: I don't care if you're used to it because it shouldn't be happening to you at all.

Y/N: You promise you'll protect me?

Yoongi: I promise!

We pinky swore then I gave him a kiss. People were extremely shocked. We both laughed quietly them walked off to our classes. Obviously he's in a different class to me because he's a year older than me. But sadly in my class I have Jin and his girlfriend. They make fun of me the whole time. Yoongi walked me to my class because he wanted to make sure nothing happens to me.

Y/N: You didn't have to walk me to my class.

Yoongi: I did. You wanna know why?

Y/N: Why?

Yoongi: Because people have to know that you're mine and no one can take you from me.

Y/N: Oof so cheesy. You're making me cringe.

Yoongi: Hahaha sorry but it's true

He hugged and kissed me very quickly before running off to class.

Yoongi: I'll meet you here when the bell goes because I don't want you going by yourself!

Y/N: Ok. Love you!

Yoongi: Love you too!

I was sitting in class talking to my girlfriend when Y/N walks in holding some guys hand. It made me mad seeing her with some other guy. They were talking when he hugged her and gave her a kiss. He started running away and Y/N yelled.....

Y/N: Ok. Love you!

Yoongi: Love you too!

That made me confused and extremely mad. So I went up to her and showed her how I felt.

Jin: Oi dumbass who was that!

I slapped her across the face hard enough that she falls to the ground.



Jin: Because how can a freak like you do shit like that with a boy!

Rosé: You wanna know how?


Hwsa: Because she's not a freak! She is a stunning kind girl that has 7 amazing friends that's how!

Jin's GF: Friends!? You're kidding! That monster has friends!?

Yoongi: and a boyfriend!

Y/N: Yoongi!? I thought you went to class?

Yoongi: I did but then I heard from Rosé you were getting hurt by some dickhead and his toy.


Jin and his girl friend look astonished by what Yoongi just said. Yoongi, RM, the girls and I tried our hardest not to laugh at them but we couldn't keep it in. The bell started to ring which meant that Yoongi and RM had to go to class.

RM: See you guys at lunch!

Girls: Ok!

Yoongi: bye girls bye babe!

Y/N: bye love you bub!

Yoongi: Love you too!

The teacher walked into the room and the girls walked to their seats while Nayeon helped me get to mine.

Lunch time (YOONGI POV)
As soon as the bell went for lunch I went straight to Y/N's classroom. Everyone was gone except for her. She was writing things down in her school book.

Yoongi: Babe time for lunch.

Y/N: Coming just give me a second. I need to finish this off.

I sat at the desk in front of hers and turned my body towards her. She's so cute when she's focused.

Y/N: And......Done!

Yoongi: Ok lets goooo!

We run to the canteen and sit with the girls and RM. We laugh and joke around through out lunch. But that never lasts long at this school. Hot liquid gets poured over Y/N's head.


The group: OMG Y/N!


Lisa: The bitch deserves it! After what she did to me!


Y/N keeps screaming and crying at the hot liquid burns her skin. We're all shocked not knowing what to do. The screaming continues as Eunbi confronts Lisa about what she did. RM had gone to get a teacher and Nayeon went to get a lot of cold water. So enough the screaming stops and Y/N has fallen into the floor unconscious. RM was taking too long so Hwsa called the ambulance to take Y/N to the hospital.

Nayeon is back with the cold water and begins to slowly pour little bits onto Y/N's skin. RM returns with a teacher and lets the teacher deal with Lisa. We wait until the ambulance gets here. I'm holding Y/N in my arms. Seeing her like this made me so upset. Her body was literally burning and she was in so much pain she's now unconscious. Eventually the ambulance arrives and Y/N is rushed to hospital.

I'm sitting in the canteen with my friends when I hear screaming coming from the center of the room. I run over to get a better look and what I see makes me really pissed and upset. Lisa is standing next to Y/N with a large cup that had liquid in it and Y/N is all red and screaming in pain. The new boy is now holding her in his arms as Nayeon pours water onto Y/N's body. From what I'm guessing Y/N is unconscious.

There's as slight sound of sirens coming from the front of the school. Soon after paramedics are lifting Y/N onto a stretcher and they're on their way to the hospital.

I was about to go up to Lisa and confront her on what she did when Tae and Jungkook come up to me and ask me what happened. I explained everything and they're both in shock especially Kook because he would never had thought Lisa would do something like that.

Lisa is a childhood friend of mine. I only found out that she went to this school the other day when I introduced myself to my class. She came running up to me and hugged me. At first I was started but then I figured out who she was.

Hours later (Y/N POV)
My eyes began to slowly open as I removed what had happened a couple of hours ago. My body is covered in bandages and it hurts every time I move. It seriously feels like I have an extremely bad sunburn. As I look around the room I see everyone either asleep or on their phones. Yoongi is asleep right next to my hospital bed holding my hand.

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