07 ✨ sɴᴏᴡ ᴡʜɪᴛᴇ

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"H-how? How do you know my name?" you blushed harder.

He chuckled softly, "I've been watching you and my family from afar"

"W-wait! Where's Emma and R-ray? I need to go back to them..!" You stood up.

"Wait, (Y/n)" He reached his arm out to you. "Would you care to join me here a little longer?" he gently smiled. You took his hand and sat back again.

'd-damn it'

You looked straight to the sunset before you. Then, you scanned him. He was wearing a white cloak. And clothes that are all white.

"So, how was Ray and Emma?" He asked, as he leaned against the tree

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"So, how was Ray and Emma?" He asked, as he leaned against the tree.

"How do you know them?"

"I'm a friend" He smiled once again. "Do you want to see them again?" you asked. "No, not yet" he sadly smiled.


"Now is not the time" He said. "Tell me, you're new around here aren't you?" He asked, he moved towards you with eyes sparkling in excitement. "Y-yes, I am" You looked away. "Then where are you from? What plant?" He asked. "N-no, I'm not really from a plant"

"Then where are you from?" You paused for a bit. "Don't tell anyone ok?" You whispered. "I'm not from this world" He was a bit surprised. "Wow, I never thought I'd meet someone like you" You slightly blushed. "(Y/n), don't tell them we've met ok?" You nodded.

"Come, let me take you back to them" he stood up and stretched out his hand to you. You took and stood up as well.

"Are you the one who save me earlier?" You asked. "Yeah, that was a close one you know?" he chuckled, you blushed once again.



"Your face is all red ever since I first saw you" He said. You touched your cheeks. 'my cheeks are hot'. "Did you catch a fever on the way here??" He kinda panicked. "N-no..! Its just hot out here" you said. "Hmmm.. Ok" he smiled.

The two of you talked while walking, and you're having a great time because of it.

"Hey, I was having too much fun right now that I forgot to ask your name" you laughed. "So, what's your name snow white?" you streched out your hand to him as he chuckled.

"Hahaha, It's No--"


You felt ropes wrap around your waist, ankles, and on your left arm. With your free hand, you tried reached out to him. He did the same, but you were already taken away into the darkness.

"What..?" He was left alone in utter shock.


"Ugh..." You woke up. Your eyes adjusted and saw that Emma is sleeping beside you.

"Emma!" You held her shoulders. She immediatly woke up.

"(Y/nnnnnnnn)! You're hereee" She hugged you and you did the same.

"Nee Emma, Where's Ray and old man cookie?" you asked. "I don't know either, you didn't see them?" you shook your head no.

The two of you heard a music being played.

"Emma.. Where are we?"


Rawr ٩(๛ ˘ ³˘)۶♥💕

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