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Sometimes I wonder if purpose exists. Am I just an insignificant germ sitting on a pebble floating around in space? I think about this too often and it drives me insane. It's kind of weird to think about. What brought us here and why? What am I "destined" to do or be? If I'm destined to do something, doesn't that mean that I'm not in control? I've asked these questions to therapists before. They told me that you make your own purpose to live. So does that mean everyone alive has their own purpose, even if they're not aware of it? Does that mean I have made my own purpose? I've hit a dead end. I'm not sure what to write anymore because this area of human understanding is cloudy and unfamiliar. Maybe we're not meant to understand this. 

Here's my theory: 

Everyone alive has a purpose, whether they're aware of it or not. When someone commits suicide, they haven't found their purpose or have lost it. Living people have a purpose. If a person says they have no reason to live but doesn't want to die, their purpose in the moment is to live. 

That doesn't really make sense written. I wouldn't call it a theory though, more of a belief or thought. 

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