Chapter six

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Hey guys, !  

Heres chapter six hope you like it, sorry its a bit short,


Chapter six 

The next morning I awoke to Edan pouding on my door. I groaned in response and sat up, my hair disshelved and messy. The morning light streamed in through the window casting a bright luminous glow in my eyes. After taking a few moments to gather my thoughts I looked around my furnished room. The blue walls had posters of bands and pictures of my mom and dad, there was a giant bulletin board on the west wall with all of my important photos and drawings tacked on. I had two chester drawers filled with my shirts and shorts and jeans. My closet was filled with my scarce amount of formal clothing and shoes. My double bed had a light blue cover on it and the bed itself was a dark wood that was sturdy and didnt creek like the one I had back home. I mentally corrected myself. This was my home now. I cringed and struggled out of bed. Today will be fine. I assured myself as I made my way to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. After drying my hair and letting it go natural I put on a pair of bright red knickers and bra. Something to make me feel good. I put on my new ripped jeans and rocker top. I added a bit of eyeliner and mascara and ran my hand through my hair before putting on my ratty old high top converse.  

" Grams?" I said as I walked into the kitchen. 

" Right here!" She replied from behind me. I jumped at the closness of her voice, putting a hand at the bast of my throat. 

" Sorry darling, didnt mean to scare you." She chuckled walking passed me, and handing me a muffin. " Eat up."  

I took the muffin, and studied her intently. There was no sign of the effects of our previous conversation, She was as bright and smiley as ever. I took a small dainty bite trying to hide the wrinkling of my nose. Blueberrys. yuck. I opened the trash can and chucked the unwanted muffin to the endless pit of garbage. Grams studied me with distaste and turned her nose up, jokingly. I grabbed the coffee pot and poured a mug of black coffee. Three sugars. No milk. I sipped at my coffee and took a seat on the counter.  

" Theres a thing called a chair. Go sit in it." Grams said sarcastically. I huffed and got up before doing as she said. Edan suddenly walked in, her walk cold and swift as she grabbed a breakfast bar and took a seat opposite of me. She didnt make eye contact. She looked extra pretty today. Her long brown hair fell down her back in a cascade of curls, and her eyes were heavily made up with pouty rouged lips covered in light lipgloss reflecting the light perfectly. She was wearing a red long sleeved top paired with tight light blue skinny jeans with a pair of short black uggs. A stylish scarf clung to her neck and she had red ruby earings dangling down from my ears. 

" You look nice." i complimented, a small smile decorating my face. 

" Yeah, thanks." She replied coldly. I studdied her aprehensively. Something wierd was going on with her.

Grams suddenly studied Edan and scowled. " When someone compliments you, your a little more graceous, Edan."  

"Its fine, I dont care." I replied, turning my head to the side to hide the grimace creeping up my face. 

" Yeah well its time to go. Dont want to be late on your first day, do you?" she asked her voice hard and stern. 

" Yeah, I mean no." I stuttered. 

" Whatever, Bye grams!" She called walking out the door. I sighed and followed her in suit. 

As we walked out the door a sudden ghust of wind hit me, the autumn leaves twirling in the forboding wind delicately. If I reached my hand out I could easily grasp onto one. Too bad life wasnt like that I thought sarcastically as we started our walk towards school. My new hell.

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