Chapter 49: But alas our brave hero

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A heavy power held down her body like immovable shackles she couldn't break no matter how much power she used. Dieos had thrown her to the edge of the chamber, and she stared across the vast space to where Dieos was standing, a look of disgust on his face, as if she was a problem he didn't want to deal with. Ikarios stood on the other side of the black-walled chamber, his focus solely on monster that stood between them

If she couldn't move, she wouldn't be able to protect herself or distract Dieos. Without her fighting, Ikarios wouldn't last long enough to find a way to get into Dieos's mind. Was this it?

Were they going to lose here?

Was she going to...die here?

She bit her lip, doing her best to keep down the panic welling in her chest. She was still alive, right? There had to be something she could do. Evos was sending calming feelings her way, but it like sprinkling water on a raging fire. With her heart pounding in her ears she could hardly even hear herself think.

"After all that spirit you showed," Dieos said, looking down at Tavia with a bored expression. "I had expected at least a little more fight from one with the Ageless Sword. I guess the power from all those years ago was just a one-time thing. Can't hold you to that standard."

Tavia pushed and pulled, trying to twist her body to free her limbs from the force holding them still. What was it? It fell like being encased in stone. Dieos walked up to her, every step sending a tremor down her spine until he was standing just above her. She stared up at him, a grimace spreading across her face.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked. "What do you plan on doing to Edelheiss?"

Dieos stared at her, his jaw flexing, and then he sighed.

"Revenge, I suppose? I died here, once before." he said. "Though, even I admit that's just an excuse. This power is mine, and I should use it as I see fit. Aren't you doing the same with the power you've been granted?"

"It's not the same, I'm not doing this for myself," Tavia snarled. "I'm—"

Dieos held up a hand, and the bindings on Tavia tightened around her limbs. Her voice but off as pain shot through her arms and legs.

"I don't actually care," he said. "Now, you may be able to cut through Althier, but if you can't swing that monstrous sword around, there's no way for even you to break through."

Dieos reached his hand out to grab Tavia's throat, but before he could touch her, he froze. He gave an impatient groan, and then turned around.

"You really want to die that badly?" he asked Ikarios. "Fine, if you want me to deal with you before the woman, I can manage that. It's not like she'll long survive you."

Dieos looked back at Tavia one more time, and his eyes narrowed slightly at her in a silent threat, before he walked away. After being thrown, she was all the way across the room from Ikarios, but she could see the way his features were tense and his shoulders raised.

Dieos stood before Ikarios, his back towards Tavia. If she could just move she would be able to get him, but he was holding her in place. How?

Why hadn't he done this from the very beginning? If Dieos could just trap Tavia and deal with her later, like a spider with its prey, why not do that right away? Why deal with her attacks in the first place?

Tavia gritted her teeth. Ikarios was talking to Dieos, but she couldn't hear the words, could only see Ikarios's mouth moving. She had gotten the shield down and everything, but it must have been repaired by now, because it wasn't even flickering any more.

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